ozanciga / dirt-t

A DIRT-T Approach to Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Pytorch
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Issue with updating the discriminator loss. #2

Open mohamedr002 opened 3 years ago

mohamedr002 commented 3 years ago

Thanks to you for these well-organized codes. But I believe there is one issue with updating the discrimination loss. Particularly, in line 63 and 64 you https://github.com/ozanciga/dirt-t/blob/f2c5f6984447d63e560b4fb5a04ccf80535c9fb1/vada_train.py#L63-L64 https://github.com/ozanciga/dirt-t/blob/f2c5f6984447d63e560b4fb5a04ccf80535c9fb1/vada_train.py#L83-L84 The discriminator will predict the domain labels either zero or one. using real_logits_disc and fake_logit_disc. But in line 83 you repeat the same process without pre updating the discriminator optimizer. Hence, real_logits_disc and real_logits will be exactly the same? And I don't think this what we aim for. As we aim to first update the discriminator with real logits and then update the classifier model to confuse the discriminator using fake logits.

Newbeeer commented 3 years ago


I guess the label for `real_logit_disc' is 1, as in

        loss_disc = 0.5 * (
                sigmoid_xent(real_logit_disc, torch.ones_like(real_logit_disc, device='cuda')) +
                sigmoid_xent(fake_logit_disc, torch.zeros_like(fake_logit_disc, device='cuda'))

, and the label for 'real_logit' is 0 analogously.

So the codes are doing min-max optimization in an alternative way.