ozkanpakdil / test-microservice-frameworks

testing spring-boot quarkus and micronaut for jar size and response time for a simple controller, rust and dotnet
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ktor graalvm problem #572

Open ozkanpakdil opened 1 year ago

ozkanpakdil commented 1 year ago

some requests failing with ktor graalvm native image image https://ozkanpakdil.github.io/microservicetests/2023-02-26-microservice-framework-test-17.html#graalvm-native-ktor-rest-service

when I test local I see these errors

---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count                                     800000 (OK=735068 KO=64932 )
> min response time                                      7 (OK=7      KO=6413  )
> max response time                                 225965 (OK=224689 KO=225965)
> mean response time                                 68711 (OK=61016  KO=155817)
> std deviation                                      73632 (OK=69995  KO=55486 )
> response time 50th percentile                      23143 (OK=15418  KO=157646)
> response time 75th percentile                     134432 (OK=122630 KO=213433)
> response time 95th percentile                     208258 (OK=197420 KO=221201)
> response time 99th percentile                     219875 (OK=214830 KO=223348)
> mean requests/sec                                2857.143 (OK=2625.243 KO=231.9 )
---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------
> t < 800 ms                                         13558 (  2%)
> 800 ms <= t < 1200 ms                               9015 (  1%)
> t >= 1200 ms                                      712495 ( 89%)
> failed                                             64932 (  8%)
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Request timeout to localhost/ after 60000 ms      32752 (50.44%)
> j.n.ConnectException: connect(..) failed: Cannot assign reques  22377 (34.46%)
ted address
> Request timeout after 60000 ms                                   8788 (13.53%)
> i.n.c.ConnectTimeoutException: connection timed out: localhost   1015 ( 1.56%)

probably because of "slow response" getting timeouts...

ozkanpakdil commented 1 year ago

hey @e5l and @rsinukov I am getting timeouts in my tests, it is the simplest code on earth https://github.com/ozkanpakdil/test-microservice-frameworks/blob/main/ktor-demo/src/Application.kt#L45 any suggestions ?