ozomer / node-red-contrib-unsafe-function

The fast and furious version of function nodes
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node-red-contrib-unsafe-function enhancement #10

Open hanc2006 opened 3 years ago

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ozomer , I was inspired by your project and I started adding new features. What I have done so far:


TABS The new node interface is composed as follows:


FUNCTION TAB The function tab works the same way as the original one, with the ability to format the code (using js-beautify).


PACKAGES TAB With this tab you can install and uninstall NPM modules. image

MODULES TAB This tab lists all the JavaScript modules created by the user. You can create, edit, format code, and delete a module directly from the web interface.

main image

editor image Toolbar options: back, format code, save module, delete module

What do you think about it?

natcl commented 3 years ago

Hello ! I'm also maintainer on this package. I think this looks very interesting ! Can you explain a bit more how the modules work ? I'm mostly curious on where they are stored ?

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

Hi @natcl, Currently the modules are stored in a sub folder relative to the node installation path. Modules are simple JavaScript files that can be requested in the main function code. Modules are loaded if required by the main function thanks to the require-from-string package. I use the "prependPaths" options to hang the absolute path automatically, so the user can request the module using just his name.

The modules tabs it's just a web interface that allows you to manage files directly from the browser. This weekend I will fork the project so you can try it :)

natcl commented 3 years ago

Yes would love to try this !

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

There would be some improvements that I have planned but haven't completed yet. For example:

natcl commented 3 years ago

One thing to note is the ability to require external modules was added to the core function node in Node-RED 1.3 that was released today: https://nodered.org/blog/2021/04/08/version-1-3-released

What the core node lacks is the ability to execute code outside the VM module which makes code slower. I also like the modules idea which the core node also lacks. While I think it's worth it to update the unsafe function with these changes, would you be willing to discuss your changes with the Node-RED devs ? could be interesting to include some of that functionality in the core.

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

I saw the version 1.3 update. But I still use the stable version We can talk to the team, but first look at the changes and tell me what you think :)

natcl commented 3 years ago

Sure thing ! :)

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

Project fork is online with the above changes.

natcl commented 3 years ago

Thanks will have a look !

ozomer commented 3 years ago

@natcl @hanc2006 Hi, I haven't used node-red for over a year and I'm not going to any time soon. Do you want to take over this project, including the control of the package in npmjs.com ?

natcl commented 3 years ago

Hi @ozomer ! I believe I already have access but I'll check to make sure !


natcl commented 3 years ago

I have access to both the repo and NPM, will be glad to help maintaining it !

natcl commented 3 years ago

@hanc2006 can you start a pull request for this feature ? Will be easier to test it that way. Thanks !

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

I'm working on a new, more exciting upgrade. I replaced the ace editor with the monaco editor for a better user experience. I created a separate project just to create an optimized monaco bundle to import later into the main project.

The playground project is available here: node-red-contrib-monaco It is a simple web page that include the monaco editor preconfigured and optimized for node-red.

So why change editor?

I also added some extra validation check before installing an npm package or before create a new module.

natcl commented 3 years ago

I think it can be interesting, but did you have a look at this PR to the main project : https://discourse.nodered.org/t/using-monaco-editor-monaco-branch-now-in-fork-pr-2798/26561 it also adds Monaco to the built-in function node in Node-RED

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I saw. I also opened a PR recently in this project. I got some code from there, very interesting! I created a standalone version that is a bit more configurable and not dependent on node-red.

hanc2006 commented 3 years ago

news: https://discourse.nodered.org/t/happy-function-node/44471