ozra / onyx-lang

The Onyx Programming Language
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To UFCS, Do a Novel Approach, or Stay Pure OOP #20

Open ozra opened 8 years ago

ozra commented 8 years ago

UFCS (Uniform Function Call Syntax)

I'm eager to do this, but it requires lengthy discussion and then quite some work, turning some things inside and out and up and down in the compiler, so I think it's best to get a lot of input on this before (likely) implementing.

Briefly, UFCS let's you use methods as functions - syntactically - and vice versa.

type Foo
   some-val = 0  'get 'set  -- add getter and setter methods automatically

   my-method(v) ->
      @some-val = v  -- assign value to member var directly

my-routine(obj Foo, v) ->
   obj.some-val = v  -- set value via Foo's 'some-val=' setter method.

foo = Foo()
foo.my-method 47
my-method foo, 47
my-routine foo, 47
foo.my-routine 47

See, they all do the same thing - mutates some-val on an instance of Foo to the passed value. The func does it via a method on Foo, because the semantic distinction is that only member funcs (methods) can reach private state in the value instance - there are no exceptions to this in Onyx. Fret not! This is optimized away at machine code generation, and they end up with the exact same direct access machine code. Blazing!


The lookup order is the matter of concern. An instant, "being nice to legacy" idea is:

  1. method/free func first
    • method-style call? Look for best matching method, if none, look for best matching func.
    • func-style call? Vice versa

However, this means that different callables may be chosen by the compiler depending on syntax chosen. This has a bad smell to it. A stricter typed func will be unused if there's even just a slackly typed ("broadly defined") method when doing a method-style call. And vice versa.

So, the better option is:

  1. Look up methods and functions interleaved and only use overloading prioritization rules to choose which is the best candidate. If two callables has the same signature match priority, then method is preferred for method-call and vice versa. Their style of implementation is completely ignored, other than the last check, since the only difference is internal to them (access private state, or access states through methods), and as such an implementation detail beyond the interface.

There's only one thing then to consider, and that is that it doesn't break Crystal stdlib compatibility. Have to check that out. But ignoring that for a second, consider these through the "no compromise, the right thing to do (TM)" lens.

Further questions

How does instance construction sugar, functor and lambda call sugar come into the picture?

These questions can't just be ignored.

Some Pros

Currently it can be found in D and Rust. More?

As already mentioned there are different approaches to resolving, here are some papers and articles worth considering, all concerning the discussion of incorporating it in C++ (which must consider some same things as in Onyx: legacy):

What are your thoughts on this?

stugol commented 8 years ago

See my feature request for the |> syntax. It provides an alternative to UFCS that bypasses the problems you mention.

Also, I don't think methods should be callable as free functions; only the other way around.

One single func def can cover several types horizontally, as long as the methods used match those available in type, if not strictly typing "receiver" parameter (first param).

This is the best justification for UFCS I've ever read.

ozra commented 8 years ago

The idea of implementing one-way only "half UFCS", or "OMFCS" (Optionally Method-notationized Function Call Syntax, haha, B-) ) is a viable option which would solve some problems, if it can't be implemented full on. Good Plan B idea!

I've coded quite a bit with forward pipes in different scenarios, but they are far from as generic as UFCS, and "less pretty" I'd contest. Iff it would be concluded that UFCS is a practical impossibility for one reason or another, forward-piping should definitely be implemented though, so I'd consider it a Plan C.

stugol commented 8 years ago

I really like the pipe notation though. And I definitely think that calling a method like a free function is a recipe for disaster. And also entirely pointless. I can't think of a single circumstance in which I'd want to do that.

I'd like to see plans B and C implemented, and plan A dropped entirely.

ozra commented 8 years ago

Alright, interesting thoughts! I'd love to see/hear even more elaborations on your thoughts on hows and whys, and specifically examples of potential culprits. It would be really helpful, since this is a huge concept to integrate, both conceptual vapor level and in implementation.

stugol commented 8 years ago

Calling a free function like a method makes it look like a method. If you use pipes, it's obvious to the reader that this is a free function.

If I see a method I don't recognise, I go check the documentation for that type. This won't help me if the method in question isn't really a method.

Plus, the spaces around the |> symbol help to reinforce visually that the function doesn't "belong" to the value.

ozra commented 8 years ago

Well, calling compiler tools from plugins in editors will give exact locations for defs/whatever of ,a specific token, so you'd just "go to definition", baam. No matter how it was defined.

ozra commented 8 years ago

The pipe-related discussions should go in #34.

stugol commented 8 years ago

Well I don't know about you, but my editor doesn't have an Onyx plugin. It doesn't even have a Crystal plugin that can look stuff up for me like that. I get syntax highlighting and nothing else.

ozra commented 8 years ago

No, of course it was said a bit with the monocle aimed at the horizon. Point being, one can't design a language primarily with such a mindset, must have some patience and plan for the holistic perspective.

What editor are you using btw?

stugol commented 8 years ago


ozra commented 8 years ago

Ah, ok. I gave up on that one, crashed on me all the time and no control over typefaces :-/ Switched to sublime which is basically the same, just much faster and never crashed on me (despite being open weeks on end).

Atom is inspired from the same ed as sublime, so converting highlighter from sublime shouldn't be to hard I would think.

stugol commented 8 years ago

I vaguely recall that Sublime wouldn't let me put the directory panel on the right. That's a bit of a deal-breaker.

ozra commented 8 years ago

Ah, yeah I think it's more limited in some aspects like that. I only open panels for seconds with shortcuts when I need to do something, since everything is faster via keyboard, so I don't care.

In any event, it shouldn't be too hard to convert highlighter to Atom.

stugol commented 8 years ago

I've given UFCS some more thought, and come to the conclusion that it might be a good idea after all.

Consider the following C++:

template<typename T> class Array { ... };
template<int> class Array {
  int sum();

Arrays of int will have a sum method; whilst other arrays will not. This cannot be done in Crystal at present:

class Array(T)
   def sum() where T.is_a? Int        # error: no such syntax

But with UFCS:

def sum(a : Array(Int))

So I think at least one-directional UFCS should be implemented. In fact, writing free functions should be encouraged, rather than using inheritance and such to achieve a similar effect. For example, writing a sum(a : Array(Number)) function instead of subclassing Array.

But the point here is that the free functions are used as member functions. They're defined outside the class, but are conceptually member functions of one or more classes. Writing free functions that have no specific conceptual "owner" should be discouraged (e.g. puts).

ozra commented 8 years ago

The big kahuna questions is (apart from true UFCS, both ways), if there should be a line drawn as what generality to match (would be kinda weird though).

sum(x List<Int>) -> ...
sum(x List<*>) -> ...
sum(x) -> ...

[1, 2, 3].sum  -- #1 is exact
[1.0, 2.2, 3.14].sum  -- #2 is most specific candidate
["foo", "bar", "baz"].sum  -- only match 'sum'#3
["foo", "bar", "baz"].puts

This is just a simple example, but all above would be legal if no artificial limitations are added.

Selection priority order must be well defined.

type Foo
   fug(...a) -> say a.first

fug(me Foo, a Bool) -> say a

x = Foo()
x.fug true

Also a simple example: according to the above example the reasonable candidate would be the free func - it's more specifically typed.

stugol commented 8 years ago

Hm. On the other hand, it could be argued that a true member function should take precedence over a free function when called as a member function. I can see the potential for bugs here.

We could take inspiration from .NET, and implement extension methods instead. Basically, a free function must be marked with some kind of attribute, whereupon it may be used like a member function of its first argument. Advantages:

Possible syntaxes:

def speak(*thing) -> puts thing          -- #1 (a use for unary * at last!)
def speak(&thing) -> puts thing          -- #2
def speak(of thing)() -> puts thing      -- #3

"woo".speak                              -- usage

Extension methods would have exactly the same resolution priority as true member functions.

stugol commented 8 years ago

FWIW, Google Go uses this concept also.

ozra commented 8 years ago

Yes, what's apparent is:

These half-way alternatives are definitely worth looking into.

I'll work on other things and let this bubble in the back of my head meanwhile.

ozra commented 8 years ago

Ideas for more approaches.

Speaking of the devil, the .. suggested for cascading. How about using this operator for the pipe-operator functionality requested in #34, calling functions as if methods: staying close to method-call notation and still making a distinction.

my-s(x) -> x.to-s
my-dbl(x) -> x * 2

say 47..my-dbl..my-foo

Hmm, does look a bit strange though.

stugol commented 8 years ago

No, don't like it.

I still think we should go with the idea of extension methods.

ozra commented 8 years ago

We'll have to keep bombarding this subject. I'll read through it all again when time permits to get a birds view.

ozra commented 8 years ago

I forgot to mention one thing, regarding selective extension methods. I was reminded because I stumbled upon a macro by the developer of Temel. I show the non-macro principle, since Onyx still lacks the template/macro-syntax:

-- free func
speak(me Int|Str|F64, a) -> say "got: {me} of {me.class} with {a}"

-- "methodized"
type Any: speak(a) -> speak self, a

-- use it
speak "Steak", "sauce"
"Burger".speak "sauce"
47.speak "world peace"
3.12.speak "seeming lack of 0.02"

-- will barf as expected: remove restriction on `me` for all-types support
-- [1,2].speak


got: Steak of String with sauce
got: Burger of String with sauce
got: 47 of Int32 with world peace
got: 3.12 of Float64 with seeming lack of 0.02

How to "macroify" it is pretty obvious. (You'd use a soft-lambda for the macro, pick out the params and the body and re-compose...)

stugol commented 8 years ago

I don't see the purpose of this post. What am I missing?

ozra commented 8 years ago

I should type less on issues when I'm half a sleep, hehe.

It simply means that "extension methods" can very simply be implemented with a simple macro.

Well... it also means, it might be a viable thing to put in to the language it self, since it will map to common constructs directly from sugar "the best way (TM)".

I have a few ideas expanding slightly on it, but I'll let them continue to simmer for a while.

stugol commented 8 years ago

Incidentally, extension methods are like C++ "partial template specialisation", but better. Reason being, you can add a method to a generic class, but have the method only apply to those specialisations that you want:

type List[T]:

-- note the multiple parens and/or the ampersand here
sum(&list : List[Int] | List[Float] | List[Real])() ->
   reduce 0, (acc, n)~> acc + n

values = List{1, 2, 3}
say values.sum                 -- "6"

say List{true, false}.sum      -- error, no such method
ozra commented 8 years ago

Yes, that's exactly how it would work out :-). I do think I'd prefer a pragma rather than annotating first param though, or some other means of marking the function, rather than arg1. Just a loose thought at this stage, mind you ('ufcs just being a naïve suggestion for the example):

sum(list List[Int] | List[Float] | List[Real]) -> 'ufcs
   reduce 0, \ %1 + %2  -- just getting a feel for the slant, ignore that :-) 
stugol commented 8 years ago

The annotation wouldn't look right if the function is defined on a single line:

sum(list List[Int] | List[Float] | List[Real]) -> 'ufcs reduce 0, \ %1 + %2

Maybe replace the arrow with --> or -+>?

ozra commented 8 years ago

Yes, those are valid options too.

Pragmas apply to either the containing construct, when defined first (as in the example). Or to the following construct when no empty line in between, so for one line it could have been written as:

sum(list List[Int] | List[Float] | List[Real]) -> reduce 0, \ %1 + %2

But, that kind of defeat the terseness of a one-liner ;-)

Let's pump out ideas so we can weigh them all against each other.

A couple of months back there was a multitude of arrow-variations for pure func, pure method, etc. etc. and in the end it didn't look good, so I only kept the "returns-nil exclamation mark", but a lot has happened since then, so it's up for re-evaluation.

stugol commented 8 years ago

Having a syntax for pure makes a lot of sense. It would refuse to compile if any non-pure methods were called from it, I assume.

Suggestions for pure specifier: o->, -o>, ->> Unicode: ●->, ⚬->, -⚬>, -⩺, (⇴ preferred)

Suggestions for extension specifier: -->, -+> (--> preferred) Unicode: , , , (⤑ or ⥅ preferred)

Could have a special arrow (, , -/>) for brittle tuple functions instead of a special literal syntax for the brittle tuple, also. This would mean you could return a brittle array, or brittle hash.

ozra commented 7 years ago

Cleaning up issues a bit. UFCS will not be implemented. It's so easy to define functions and methods in Onyx, and given the type inference and generics, it's a no-brainer to make mirroring variants - where specifically wanted - instead.

stugol commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid I strongly disagree here. The ability to define a "free function" that can be called like a method is far more powerful and flexible than traditional class methods.

I don't think that all functions should work like this, but sometimes having the option allows for far better code. For example, it allows us to define a method specifically for arrays of strings, without using template specialisation. I'm a bit rusty on Onyx syntax (especially as it keeps changing), but it would look vaguely like this:

indent-all (a Enumerable[String], indentation String) ~>
  a.map ~.indent(indentation)

["some", "strings].indent-all

Golang works kinda like this, and it's a good idea. Sadly the designers filled the language with so many dumb decisions as to render it utterly goddamn useless, but still...

stugol commented 7 years ago

Point is, traditional OOP is flawed. You end up writing so much supporting crap, that in many cases the redundant code is bigger than the actually useful code. I'm talking about abstraction, placeholder classes and such. It doesn't happen so much in Ruby, but C++ and .NET suffer from this.

The limitations of OO are well-documented, but OO-proponents generally respond "well, coding without OO is worse, so I guess we have to do it like this". There is a middle ground, and the ability to call (certain) functions like methods goes some way to bridging it.

Sometimes a free function makes more sense than a method. But free functions are messy. They pollute the namespace, and don't belong to any class. I propose that so-called "extension methods" be supported, which would offer the benefit of free functions without being messy or polluting the namespace. Why not polluting the namespace? Because - and I've just thought of this! - there should be the option of declaring them as only callable as methods!!

I think this is an awesome idea, with practical value.

stugol commented 7 years ago

The more I think about this, the more I'm convinced. It's better than templates, it's better than inheritance, and it ties in well with of.

I've also realised something else. It's the many-to-many problem. This is why OOP is so limited. You know how, when you have a database, you can have one-to-one and one-to-many, but as soon as you have many-to-many things get complicated?

Well, a class can have many methods. But when you need multiple classes to share a method, it all falls down. You have to specialise the template, or use complicated inheritance, because methods are inside classes, and therefore can't exist outside them. This leads to non-DRY code, and unnecessary boilerplate.

How do you solve a many-to-many problem in a database? With a link table. Extension methods are the link table! Methods need to be on a level footing with classes. Currently they're not, and this is what's wrong with OO.

ozra commented 7 years ago

I'll re-open for further discussion and review the entire thread.