ozra / onyx-lang

The Onyx Programming Language
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Write Documentation for Onyx Lang #99

Open ozra opened 7 years ago

ozra commented 7 years ago

Issue for tracking progress on documentation in general.

ozra commented 7 years ago

Answer to https://github.com/ozra/onyx-lang/issues/80#issuecomment-251785766 - continued here for separation of concerns of issues.

Less work is the best work, so obviously re-using from Crystal is good. The thing I've been changing up a bit is the static-web build chain, because I want to make it simpler to integrate in any sub-path on a web-site. Moving from Jekyll, trying Hugo (because of its' speed), but that is of course not really necessary. I'll simply find the least-amount-of-work-way to get an official repo up.

I already have "onyx-lang.org" registered running on https, so that's a good place for keeping official docs. Good things would be "language specs docs" (like the crystal ones) and also having examples in javascript (which basically everyone knows) to show what the same code looks like in that. (It's easier to explain what code in a language means in a "known coding language" rather than in english language ;-) )

ozra commented 7 years ago

Also, I've written a wrapper around "pygment" that handles Onyx-highlighting using a "highlights.js" which use the Atom-onyx-grammars which in turn I generate via conversion-scripts from the sublime-onyx grammars, which I maintain side by side with changes to the onyx compiler.

It's integrated into the compile-flow of Hugo. But other ways would be possible too.

Sod-Almighty commented 7 years ago

Why not show examples in Ruby? Or in Crystal? JavaScript is a bit poo; and also isn't very much like Onyx.

How would I contribute to the documentation at onyx-lang.org? By which I mean: how would I actually push changes to it?