ozten / MozillaSpotlight

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Write invitation email prose #1

Open ozten opened 10 years ago

ozten commented 10 years ago

The first contact point that Spotlight has with a lucky Mozillian is the invitation email.


ozten commented 10 years ago

Should we allow them to unsubscribe?

Should we give them some examples of what to share?

clouserw commented 10 years ago

First draft, RFC: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/hYwIH9o3Nr

ozten commented 10 years ago

Hawt! Should we give them a deadline?

clouserw commented 10 years ago

I figured we'd put all that behind the "learn more" button, but open to edits. It does seem open ended (or like we're requiring they drop everything and do it now) which isn't good...

ozten commented 10 years ago

Makes sense. Less prose in the email is good since people don't read.

I guess we can build out the email and the landing page and test on ourselves.

einBambi commented 10 years ago

One more thought: maybe we should emphasize that people should only put appropriate content into their video (and if we do, we probably have to define what exactly "appropriate" means).

ozten commented 10 years ago

Updated the invited landing page

Signing in takes you to /instructions