ozten / TLD.js

Kickstarter project for applying for a JavaScript top level domain (.js TLD)
337 stars 37 forks source link

.js is a 2 character TLD and those are resevered for countries #8

Open ozten opened 12 years ago

ozten commented 12 years ago

as reported in. https://twitter.com/#!/bdufresne/status/204643709441159168

Is this accurate? Any way around it?


paraboul commented 12 years ago

let's create a country then.

ozten commented 12 years ago

Scope creep.

paraboul commented 12 years ago

2 letters are reserved for ISO-3166 list. http://www.iso.org/iso/fr/list-en1-semic-3.txt

JS doesn't exist.

paraboul commented 12 years ago

2.12 Can a New gTLD name be 2 letters?

Applied-for gTLD strings in ASCII must be composed of three or more visually distinct characters. Two-character ASCII strings are not permitted, to avoid conflicting with current and future country-codes based on the ISO 3166-1 standard.


ozten commented 12 years ago

Some ideas:

ozten commented 12 years ago

Via Todd Barnard .code and a link I've added to the description.

paraboul commented 12 years ago

New materials : http://archive.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/three-character-30may09-en.pdf http://archive.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/idn-3-char-requirement-15feb10-en.pdf

dscape commented 12 years ago

It is decided then, we must create a new country (or invade poland, @mmalecki lives there)

TooTallNate commented 12 years ago

I think @visionmedia uses .dev in /etc/hosts so that's a no-go

tj commented 12 years ago


ozten commented 12 years ago

Edited Comment 4 with some 3 char TLDs....


ozten commented 12 years ago

.src - View Source has a Posse

gryzzly commented 12 years ago

.src is rather sweet

davidmurdoch commented 12 years ago

Maybe we can ask The Principality of Sealand to hook us up? They take donations. http://www.sealandgov.org/ Note: they aren't formally recognized as country by any other country, but maybe ICANN could let it slide?

p.s. I'm joking - mostly. :-p

ozten commented 12 years ago

Updates: 1) Mozilla leadership is really excited about a .js TLD, so if this could ever happen, they seem like the first organization we might be able to trick into running the registry aspect.

I was ignorant of @voodootikigod and many of your attempts at working on these ideas already. <3

2) We've gotten confirmation that .js won't be eligible for the new gTLD processes, so a kickstarter wouldn't be a good idea.

3) The js TLD is non delegated. Filed Issue #23.

So these two bugs seem like blockers :( We'll need a creative, new solution or to work on the bureaucratic aspects of Issue #23.

I've closed down signing and updated the README. We know there is a lot of energy, we just need a viable strategy to move this forward.

dscape commented 12 years ago

alt text

KorvinSzanto commented 12 years ago

.proj .pkg .ecma

dscape commented 12 years ago


chalkers commented 12 years ago

.wat :)

TEHEK commented 12 years ago

.src would make sense when combined with 2nd level doman like .js.src

KorvinSzanto commented 12 years ago

@TEHEK, I'm pretty sure that those follow the same 2 letter rules.

ngollan commented 12 years ago

There are rules for that kind of stuff, you can look them up at ICANN. Application is also pretty much closed, and you will most definitely not make it into the screening process either way, much less through it.

(edit) Just to make it clear, the application window closed on April 12...

(another edit) read all about it first: http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/agb

jDavidnet commented 12 years ago

what about ?

.api .lib .web .script

chrisabrams commented 12 years ago

Surely someone at Mozilla can get some ICANN love going - we really do need more TLDs for code.

ozten commented 12 years ago

@chrisabrams good call, both @lloyd and I are at Mozilla.

This project was started as a personal side-project, but Mozilla Foundation is very supportive and (we found out) had already worked on the idea with others at JS conferences.

mikeal commented 12 years ago

nobody here knows anyone at ICANN?

maybe call in the big guns: @BrendanEich you know anyone over there?

chrisabrams commented 12 years ago

That's very exciting to hear @ozten and @lloyd. I'm happy to make blog posts, videos, power points, write code, or whatever it takes to help make this happen.

benatkin commented 12 years ago


mikeal commented 12 years ago

serious question guys: does LegalZoom offer a "register your own country" option?

JarrettBillingsley commented 12 years ago

Why on earth does there need to be a TLD for a programming language.

chrisabrams commented 12 years ago

@JarrettBillingsley because all .com domains that coders want are taken and we're all instead adding "js" to the end of the name of the .com anyway, so might as well make it simpler and have .js instead.

chalkers commented 12 years ago

@benatkin Controversial! You're going to start a flame war on reddit or something.

chalkers commented 12 years ago

Maybe we can poison DNS servers with .js domains!

chrisabrams commented 12 years ago

@mikeal Yeah I'm sure LegalZoom could help with registering a country, but here is what else you have to do: http://www.un.org/en/members/about.shtml

mikeal commented 12 years ago

@chrisabrams it is at this point that I think we need to enlist the help and support of the Pirate Party :)

JarrettBillingsley commented 12 years ago

@chrisabrams that is probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I don't see anyone looking to register .py as a TLD just because there are lots of Python libraries that start/end with Py. What the hell.

JarrettBillingsley commented 12 years ago

Actually, I have a better idea: let's host our "amazing projects" on github! Wow!

davidmurdoch commented 12 years ago

@ JarrettBillingsley because JS coders are the ones building today's web?

I wonder ICANN they'll pay some attention if we offer to double their usual price.

JarrettBillingsley commented 12 years ago

@davidmurdoch So this is entirely about ego?

chrisabrams commented 12 years ago

@davidmurdoch That's what it sounds like. @JarrettBillingsley You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but I disagree that it is stupid, as would most developers that view this. I personally know Python developers that would pay for a .py domain in a heart beat. We, the developers of the web, want a TLD that represents what we create, and this process is about gaining that representation.

chalkers commented 12 years ago

@JarrettBillingsley What percentage of ego is acceptable for you to back the project? Satiating ones need for relevance is of the utmost importance is it not? Honestly if we decide to spend our money on something as 'amazing' or 'stupid' as a .js TLD or whatever it's what the value the person puts on it that really matters. No one is coercing anyone to part with their cash to buy it, it's voluntary.

JarrettBillingsley commented 12 years ago

@chrisabrams "Most developers?" Are you kidding? Did you know that there are other programming languages besides JavaScript? It's true! Believe it or not, there are still plenty of people writing programs that DON'T execute inside web browsers. And they host their projects on those dirty old-fashioned TLDs like github.com and python.org and don't bitch about it because it is entirely irrelevant what TLD your programming project is hosted on. Or you could -- I dunno -- just not put the letters "JS" in your JavaScript library name. Wow! What an idea!

Please, please think about this before spending two hundred thousand fucking dollars of other peoples' money.

JarrettBillingsley commented 12 years ago

@chalkers Relevance? Relevance? As if there isn't already mountains upon mountains of websites, books, conferences etc. about JavaScript, you need some kind of validation through the global internet addressing scheme? Oh yes, EVERYONE knows that the programming language you use and your contributions to its community are COMPLETELY irrelevant without a TLD to call your own.

benatkin commented 12 years ago

More suggestions:

chalkers commented 12 years ago

@JarrettBillingsley If people want to contribute toward it people see value in it. If not it's a failure and there's no interest. But it's voluntary. Let the market decide!

ozten commented 12 years ago

Please use other media to discuss the merits of this project.

Please use these blocker issues to generate creative solutions for the cold hard facts of TLDs.

chrisabrams commented 12 years ago

Well hopefully soon we'll get some feedback on whether we have a contact at ICANN who can help shed light on what we need to do. Maybe they want to keep .js reserved in case someone around the world decides to create a new country. There have been lots of suggestions to other TLDs and maybe we should look into one that could work for any language?

mikeal commented 12 years ago

.oss = open source software?

chalkers commented 12 years ago

+1 for .src

chalkers commented 12 years ago

+1 for .oss