p-e-w / finalterm

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(Enhancement) Command editing: place cursor using mouse #303

Open chrstphrchvz opened 10 years ago

chrstphrchvz commented 10 years ago

When I'm typing way too long of a command, and I make a mistake, I have to move the cursor using left/right arrow keys (and ctrl/option, if available, to skip over words) if I don't want to start over. I would think a better way involved using the mouse to place the cursor in the prompt similar to how I click to place the cursor in any GUI text field, either that or implement a pop-out/double-click to edit "command editor," which would ideally still have shell-like completion functionality.

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p-e-w commented 10 years ago

That is a really cool idea, and would be quite unique among terminal emulators I believe. It may well be possible to implement that.

chrstphrchvz commented 6 years ago

I understand this project is dead, but for reference, iTerm2 has this feature (really cool indeed!)