p-e-w / finalterm

At last – a modern terminal emulator (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
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Cursor shape in high resolution display #373

Open xfim opened 9 years ago

xfim commented 9 years ago

The cursor shape apparently does not change depending on the font used in finalterm, or the font of the gtk-3 theme. In a high resolution display it is huge: ft

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p-e-w commented 9 years ago

This seems related to https://github.com/p-e-w/finalterm/issues/368.

xfim commented 9 years ago

Yes, specially the capture from @mottoper, where in that case the cursor is abnormally small.

I just want to add that changing the cursor size or cursor theme in gtk-3 does not have any efect neither.

p-e-w commented 9 years ago

Final Term's "cursor" is not a cursor in the GTK sense but rather just a rectangle, so I wouldn't expect it to.

xfim commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much, Philipp.

I have been trying to find a way to play with the default size of the cursor, but simple searches on "cursor" or "rectangle" don't seem to help. Where can I start looking at so that I can make a contribution to this issue?

p-e-w commented 9 years ago

The cursor logic is here:

https://github.com/p-e-w/finalterm/blob/master/src/TerminalView.vala#L159 https://github.com/p-e-w/finalterm/blob/master/src/TerminalView.vala#L195 https://github.com/p-e-w/finalterm/blob/master/src/TerminalView.vala#L344

ferki commented 9 years ago

@p-e-w: I also have this issue on a MacBook Pro using Gentoo with i3wm. You were wondering on #375 about what differences are there between those systems that have issues with HiDPI displays. So if you let me know which details you are interested in, I can collect them for my setup and then paste is somewhere.

p-e-w commented 9 years ago

Well, the window manager and desktop environment are probably the key parameters. AFAIK, no Linux DE (not even GNOME) has flawless HiDPI support yet, so I guess what we are seeing are just quirks in the various implementations.