p-e-w / finalterm

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Executing shell commands on local host #393

Open artmartz opened 9 years ago

artmartz commented 9 years ago

First the background, I am using Final Term on Ubuntu 14.10 on my laptop to execute the following command: "telnet-ssl serverhost 992 -z ssl -S character". I am running database programs on "serverhost" (not the real name). I need the database pgms to be able to execute a command on my laptop, such as a meld. With help from Philipp, I was able to get the following working just fine if I executed the following command on my local host inside of Final Term: echo -ne '\e]133;H;RUN_SHELL_COMMAND "pwd"\a'. This indeed returned the output from a "pwd" command on my laptop.

The problem is when I execute the same command (\e]133;H;RUN_SHELL_COMMAND "pwd"\a) from one of my database pgms. Final Term does execute the command, but it executes on my database server, not my local host, where I need it. It seems the shell command is misdirected to the telnet-ssl session instead of my local host. Is there anything that can be done to get the shell command to actually execute on the local host, even if I do have an ssl session open?

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p-e-w commented 9 years ago

Not currently, but we might consider adding such a command in the future.

artmartz commented 9 years ago

It looks like the current command comes real close to what I need. If we could just tweak where the output goes.....