p-e-w / finalterm

At last – a modern terminal emulator (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.84k stars 179 forks source link

So what's the most promising successor? #415

Open dandv opened 8 years ago

dandv commented 8 years ago

Now that finalterm is finally terminated (groan), what's the most promising successor?

ferki commented 8 years ago

There's an update to the discontinuation announcement which mentions iTerm2. Also Terminology comes into my mind.

bobef commented 8 years ago

Not really a successor but check fishshell.com .

gsemet commented 8 years ago

Guake Reloaded ?

(note: I am the maintainer)

p-e-w commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/black-screen/black-screen gained traction last week, fulfilling my prediction that an Electron-based terminal emulator would appear. Unfortunately, it seems that its VT100 emulation capabilities are at least as buggy as Final Term's – yes, implementing terminal emulation is that hard.

ruffsl commented 8 years ago

I use fish shell, and I very much like it, but black screen looks really neat as well. Just tried combining fish with black screen and got strange results though. :construction:

l0k1 commented 8 years ago

I'm currently using Fish + Terminology, and they go nicely together. I may give Black Screen a try, however, after seeing it here. =]

nashley commented 8 years ago

finalterm-reborn looks promising (so long as development is maintained).

dandv commented 7 years ago

@nashley Wish finalterm-reborn had some binaries.