p-e-w / maybe

:open_file_folder: :rabbit2: :tophat: See what a program does before deciding whether you really want it to happen (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
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npm does not run under maybe (TTY related issue) #42

Open Pipeliner opened 7 years ago

Pipeliner commented 7 years ago

npm (node package manager) seems to require some TTY features not supported by maybe:

$ maybe npm help                                                                                                               
    handle: new TTY(fd, false),

Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, uv_tty_init
    at new WriteStream (tty.js:73:13)
    at createWritableStdioStream (internal/process/stdio.js:151:16)
    at process.getStdout [as stdout] (internal/process/stdio.js:14:14)
    at console.js:248:38
    at NativeModule.compile (bootstrap_node.js:601:7)
    at Function.NativeModule.require (bootstrap_node.js:546:18)
    at setupGlobalConsole (bootstrap_node.js:318:41)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:74:7)
    at bootstrap_node.js:613:3
maybe has not detected any file system operations from npm help.