p-hennessy / Bolt

All the parts for building a Discord robot
MIT License
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Plugin / Command Ideas #11

Closed p-hennessy closed 8 years ago

p-hennessy commented 8 years ago

Just some of my ideas for things to do!

Bot Management

Trivia bot

Steam integration


Chat features

Voice features

p-hennessy commented 8 years ago

Had a funny plugin idea just now:


zet4 commented 8 years ago

I do like that one, I had ideas of having *fix that would the last message in chat. Also a s/replace/text/g irc thing.

p-hennessy commented 8 years ago

Had another idea for a plugin command:

This one would probably only be useful on Discord; but be able to put people in a timeout state, so it will set their server role so they cant post in channel or speak.

Probably useful to have a bunch of commands for editing permissions for users.

Another thing could be people could ask the bot to created them a temporary voice channel for a raid or something

zet4 commented 8 years ago

That all sounds nice and stuff... Except that implementing Roles and Voice is very specific to Discord Connector. I have a @require decorator and am working on rewriting how Discord.py works (adding servers/channels/members cache, handling ready, etc) but Roles and Voice are very alien to me.

Nice idea thou