p-hy / art

Augmented Reality Telepresence for Double 3
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Hover cursors in AR #8

Closed p-hy closed 2 years ago

p-hy commented 2 years ago

Different cursors (or underlying graphics) should show when something interactable is available on-click, ideally different for the floor and smart actions (+ dock?). Easy with smart actions, difficult with floor (cheat - bottom half of screen?).

p-hy commented 2 years ago

Cursor graphics needed, default cursor needs to be hidden, animation needs to be improved ideally. Also cannot be closed until #23 is solved as the bug effects this feature.

p-hy commented 2 years ago

Bug where raytrace detects AR icon first time robot connects, cursors need to be clearer on white backgrounds (shadows?), ideally needs to animate linearly rather than a jump, and needs to animate on click-to-drive functionality ideally. Also needs to become circular, either through resolving #24 or bodging it (squash the cursor in the file so it expands into a circle).

p-hy commented 2 years ago

Bug where raytrace detects AR icon first time robot connects

Caused by the AR markers hanging around at (0, 0, 0) before first detection, can add check that AR markers aren't at the origin before registering an active cursor.