p-lr / MapView

A Fast, memory efficient Android library to display tiled maps, with support for markers, paths, and rotation.
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MarkerView is not removed from the MapView #27

Closed sana-20 closed 2 years ago

sana-20 commented 2 years ago

Hi Peter.

I added a custom marker with an animation but it is not removed from the mapview.

class AnimMarker(context: Context) :  AppCompatImageView(context)

This method is called when the grey star button is clicked.

    private var animMarker : AnimMarker? = null

    private fun addAnimMarker(){
        animMarker = AnimMarker(requireContext()).apply{
            val anim = AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f)
            anim.duration = 1000
            anim.repeatCount = Animation.INFINITE
            anim.repeatMode = Animation.REVERSE

        mapView.addMarker(animMarker!!, 4096.0, 4096.0)

This method is called when the yellow star button clicked again.

    private fun removeAnimMarker() {

Do you have any clue to solve this?


p-lr commented 2 years ago


You should use MapView.removeMarker(marker) api, not removeView:

private fun removeAnimMarker() {
sana-20 commented 2 years ago

Hi @peterLaurence.

It does not work though I changed the code as you answered. Not only does the marker still remain, but it is not anchored in the center position that I set. (4096, 4096) It moved whenever the map's zoom level or camera position changed.


p-lr commented 2 years ago

Hi @sana-20 ,

I can't reproduce your issue. I've updated the demo of MapView to showcase how to remove a marker. Inside the "Map and Markers demo", you'll see a red circular marker which you can remove/add using the button at the bottom. See the code is in MapMarkersFragment of the demo.

I suggest that you make a github repo reproducing your issue.

sana-20 commented 2 years ago

Hi @peterLaurence,

I really appreciate your help. Adding and removing a marker works perfectly without an animation. But the tricky part is when I added an animation to a marker. Even though I clicked a remove button, it does not disappear. It looks like gone at glance, but when you changed the zoom level, you can see a marker still remaining.

See the code here.

p-lr commented 2 years ago

Indeed, with an animation set, I could reproduce. I managed to solve the issue by invoking clearAnimation() on the marker right before removing it. So for your use case:

private fun removeAnimMarker() {

You can use this fix in the meantime. I'll add clearAnimation in the MapView.removeMarker api.