p-raj / v3-docs

Documentation and wiki for the complete platform
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Work: JAN 2017 #26

Open peeyush-tm opened 7 years ago

peeyush-tm commented 7 years ago

Note: Add anything that I might have missed

Work first -

2016 in Review (Exploring what we want to build)

Month Highlights Good. Bad. Ugly
JAN Contact Sync & Optimization Good 👍
FEB Badge & Badge Release Awesome 🥇 💯
MAR Hybrid Bad 👎
APR Hybrid Bad 👎
JUN Forms Good 👍
JUL V-2.5 Ugly 👎 😱 😭
AUG V-2.5 Ugly 👎 😱 😭
SEP V-2.5 Ugly 👎 😱 😭
OCT Widgets Good 👍
NOV Widgets + Kill 2.5 Awesome. 🥇 💯
DEC Instant Apps + Hybrid Apps Awesome. Amazing. Wow. 🥇 💯 🎉

6 months against all 12. Not bad, not good either. Overall an average year, with an Amazing ending - thanks, team 👍 📣 🎉

2017 (Mobile First to Mobile + AI First)

Month Week Highlights Overview Person
JAN Week 1 V3 Production R&D efforts to be finalized and consolidated #24 #23 #8 @veris-neerajdhiman @veris-ankitpopli
" " V3 Documentation Start documentation for V3 #2 @veris-neerajdhiman @veris-ankitpopli
JAN Week 1 User App (web first) With Forms level abstraction. PWA + React + Redux @veris-abhinavanand
" " Terminal (client releases) #16 @veris-amoghbanta @veris-abhinavanand
" " Terminal (web releases) Web version for terminal @veris-amoghbanta
JAN Week 2 Kick-off V3 With mobile first strategy @veris-neerajdhiman @veris-ankitpopli
" " KT about V3 While closing their issues with V2 @veris-abhinavanand @veris-amoghbanta
JAN Week 3 V3 Production Ready Logbook @veris-neerajdhiman @veris-ankitpopli @veris-abhinavanand @veris-amoghbanta
JAN Week 3 V3 Production Ready VMS @veris-neerajdhiman @veris-ankitpopli @veris-abhinavanand @veris-amoghbanta

Instant Apps 🎉 Instant Apps 🎉

img_2296 img_2297

🤔 😆



img_2308 img_2309

Instant Apps

Only thing AMZ is not doing, is serving people with Instant App.





Jan Weekly

Jan Weekly Ideas

Jan Closing




TBD: User App on Web

Jan 2017 in Review

Task Highlights Good. Bad. Ugly Needs Further Work
Swagger Client The RESTful client - Bravado. With all its shortcomings, is still the best Good 👍 Needs Further Work on the client gen
Swagger Client at Veris Runtime Swagger JS client Good 👍 Needs Further Work on the client gen
Need a better SWAGGER client generator There are a lot of shortcomings to the current swagger generator 👎 Needs Further Work - open source first improvement of the client gen
React Everywhere Code once and deploy everywhere. Beginning of a new era. 🥇 Be better than the ionic and RAX
React Terminals Amazing efforts and amazing wins - @veris-abhinavanand @veris-amoghbanta @veris-st. Good work 🥇 keep building better experience. Its all about experience
React User App Form first & web + pwa => User App 👍 Keep on building the app
Badge Designer Separate badges per organization 👍 ToDo => V3 should have a bagde builder
Printing Support React Native Android terminal is waiting for its chance to shine 👎 React native + android interface for badge printing
Ability to build App Per customer React Native Apps 🥇 Its just amazing and the Video in BG, that is brillient
New workflow for "onboard everyone" React Native Apps 🥇 keep your eyes on system misbehaviour
Camera Crash React Native Android => Crashes the App 👎 Stable camera support
Camera Invisible React Native Camera switching in between camera containing screens => Confuses the user 👎 Stable camera support for React native
Unit Tests All the platform component must be tested using suite 👍 keep building test suite


veris-neerajdhiman commented 7 years ago

3rd Jan, 2017

:nut_and_bolt: :hammer: Resource Architecture with ref to DB schema , eventually drooped :thumbsdown: , use swagger client instead.

4th Jan, 2017

:books: Swagger client/json, python-client for json and other libs :thumbsdown: python client :+1: Brvado & pyswagger [TODO] :unlock: Brvado & pyswagger and then choose best one :confused:

2 Jan, 2017

[TODO] : Discussion with @veris-ankitpopli on :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

veris-ankitpopli commented 7 years ago

2 Jan, 2017

:construction: Documentation Update :construction: Widget ---> Process ----> Resource :smiling_imp: :calendar: Paint final picture with @veris-neerajdhiman :smile:

3 Jan, 2017

:+1: Process ---> Resource (using our DB schema)

4 Jan, 2017

:+1: Process ---> Resource (using our Swagger schema) Bravo Bravado :smile:

Maintained in #27

Some notes while working on V3 :tada:. These will go in WIKI :soon:.

img_20170130_145048 img_20170130_145059 img_20170130_145124 img_20170130_145333 img_20170130_145352

veris-abhinavanand commented 7 years ago




veris-ankitpopli commented 7 years ago

Some notes while working on V3 :tada:. These will go in WIKI :soon:.

img_20170130_145048 img_20170130_145059 img_20170130_145124 img_20170130_145333 img_20170130_145352

veris-ankitpopli commented 7 years ago

V3 Development with @veris-neerajdhiman

veris-abhinavanand commented 7 years ago

Timeline : -

Pending :

Done :

veris-amoghbanta commented 7 years ago

Pending :