p-raj / v3-docs

Documentation and wiki for the complete platform
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MoM \ JAN \ Week-1 \ 3rd-6th \ 2017 \ [ 11:00 - 12:00 ] #27

Closed peeyush-tm closed 7 years ago

peeyush-tm commented 7 years ago


Product >>>> over anything



Where Priority Wise What Why
V3 Read about swagger swagger.Io -> to define web services this is an industry standard. Supported by all the platforms (GAIM => Goo..., AMZ, IBM, MS)
V3 Swagger PyClient editor.swagger.io => auto-generated python client (using - thrift) useful as a reference to call any swagger API
V3 Swagger JS Client editor.swagger.Io => auto-generated javascript client (using - thrift) useful as a reference to call any swagger API using JS. Might come in handy
V3 Swagger JSON Client editor.swagger.io => auto-generated JSON client (using - thrift) useful in storing as metadata
V3 Store and Map Swagger Config files properly DB store, file store - somewhere this data needs to be maintained for the platform using this data only we would be able to do process related stuff and serve client instant apps
V3 Build Build Build - Integrate components frontend + swagger + widget + process do whatever engineering needs to be done to integrate these components without any change
V3 Read - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-get-started Azure gateway to know how gateways are operated
V3 Read - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/welcome.html AMZ gateway to know what all services the Gateway provides
V2 PDF component \ sign component \ signed pdf component strategy => screen shot 2017-01-04 at 12 34 57 pm image below Signed PDF to provide real value to the user and be more productive. Thinking out of the box! Focus on what is related to the platform; small components can be perfected with time. Do try to apply this strategy on the EDGE (client side) -> why: because client has 4 CPU available for one app and central server has 4 CPU for 1000 clients
V2 Kickoff use app web first user app let's try to build it the web first to native and note down the productivity increase (decrease) and complexity increase (decrease). This way we would be able to have a development process. I am assuming that web first components would be easily deployable using web-view on the client side (mobile), but its not possible the other way around.
V2 break-build-break-build the terminal app web terminal let's keep track of all the complexity and challenges faced while building the app. We will measure the productivity gain/loss, time gain/loss and the have this way of development for all the future releases.
NOTE INFO persistent data - with database sync in background should happen for the platform only. the user related data could be cached and should be live
V Fun INFO now it has two projects - v3 and v-sat. Here v-3 would have all the experiments that might come in handy in production. V-Sat are personal projects made sense to me
NOTE INFO amogh is upping up the game damn!

How cool am I? - answer very!



Epic rules to live by https://github.com/RobBlackwell/oblique-strategies-for-programmers

Epic !


img_2308 img_2309

Conclusion for the Week

Plan Status
build build build 🚧 in progress
user app 🚧 in progress
web terminal app ❕
ios terminal app ❕
android terminal app βœ…
understanding of the V3 😌 Finally. βœ…
build build build => step 0 => authentication and token exchange βœ”οΈ (many more steps to go πŸ˜„)

ToDo (Someday)

ToDo Why
in the backend stop a user from creating a form where the first form page is a camera page the camera switching on frontend sucks
check if the V2 data is deleted on logout? if it is not deleted in logout, we can have a dropdown for revisiting people
define all the microservices we need to know the different microservices we would require
think about the IGT interview process we are a process automation company, if we won;t who else?
check out the SKETCH components we can have same type of component definition

Doubts \ Questions \ Answers

Question Answer
Will the guard run away with the terminal? Fuck me if I care
Will the guard fucking care about the data? Fuck him if he cares
JAN Synchronous - Logbook
FEB Admin
MAR Asynchronous platform (dev platform later..)
is VRT a real entity or a derived one ? it's real. It has the information about - widget, template, status, rules
How does process work? It calls the RESOURCE CLIENT (swagger in the current case)
How to distribute a component without releasing platform? πŸ€” https://github.com/opentable/oc
Persistent storage? We care about the platform, everything else is ephemeral
PDF strategy signed PDF needs to be handled in a better way
Start Time and End Time We are process mapping company, we need to have Start Time and End Time, so that we can optimize the processes
What is love? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tojicre_Qe8
Answer to this life https://www.google.co.in/search?q=answer+to+the+life&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&channel=rcs&gws_rd=cr&ei=bc1vWPPqNIf3vgTc1LKoDQ#q=%22Answer+to+the+Ultimate+Question+of+Life%2C+the+Universe%2C+and+Everything%22


Tools This week Used in
kubernetes docker orchestration by google
Cloud Foundry platform agnostic PaaS framework
Open Stack Open Source cloud provider
Web Components Code once and distribute everywhere (partial html). Dreamweaver for web
iron.io write once & ship anywhere - the lambda functions
py-lambda, gordon, lambda-fy python serverless frameworks
open whisk IBM backed open source serverless provider
vamp.io micro-svc platform
kong external oauth plugin for external oauth support
authomatic python lib for managing authentication
grumpy cpython -> golang
Bravado swagger client
py-swagger swagger client
mermaid (KNSV) markdown for diagrams
mongoengine python mongo-orm
rxdb mobile client for mongodb sync (just like chouchdb)
MLAlgorithms machine learning alogs in python
DRF flex-fields nested models in DRF (Dynamic REST for graphQL)

New Use Cases

Saturday \ Sunday

Priority Plan Status
1 Per day Idea Discussion TBD
1 Documentation TBD
1 Timelines TBD
2 Read - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/welcome.html TBD
2 Read - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-get-started TBD
4 Sideproject - https://github.com/peeyush-tm/v-fun/issues/31 (pre-commit) TBD
4 Sideproject - https://github.com/peeyush-tm/v-fun/issues/30 (sketch components) TBD

Wins πŸ₯‡

Consolation prizes πŸ˜„ 🀣

no one ever gives me any prizes 😞, I think I will watch Sherlock πŸ“Ί

Ideas Unlimited - Part 1


veris-amoghbanta commented 7 years ago

UPDATE for 3rd and 4th πŸŽ‰ scanner and camera are working perfectly (except browsers with apple's web kit), enabled dynamic meeting with and checked it user. 🚧 Checkout out activities, logout component and cleanup.

veris-ankitpopli commented 7 years ago

2 Jan, 2017

:construction: Documentation Update :construction: VRT -> Widget ---> Process ----> Resource :smiling_imp: :calendar: Paint final picture with @veris-neerajdhiman :smile:

3 Jan, 2017

:+1: Process ---> Resource (using our DB schema)

4 Jan, 2017

:+1: Process ---> Resource (using our Swagger schema) Bravo Bravado :smile: