p-rivero / DiscordAudioStream

Windows utility for streaming (with audio!) in Discord. Easily share the the audio of entire screen, or even use OBS for streaming!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Launch Options #26

Closed Roti-bot closed 1 year ago

Roti-bot commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to have command line launch options? E.g. directly start streaming with default settings / last used settings

p-rivero commented 1 year ago

I had never thought of this, but I guess it makes sense to be able to start streaming directly.

Could you elaborate on which specific options you require for your setup? I would need some details on the exact behavior that is expected.

Roti-bot commented 1 year ago

Well for my setup i would only require the option to launch directly into the Start Stream mode. If possible without the "No audio source selected" warning. Other good launch options would be the Area and the scale (but these get saved between sessions anyway) Another good option would be a checkForUpdates, which checks for new versions and updates before starting. Also a --help to show available commands would be nice.

In the end you could launch it from commandline like this: DiscordAudioStream.exe --direct_launch --no_warning

This should Start the Stream directly with your prevous settings (area, scale, audio capture) and if no audio input is selected no warning is given.

Roti-bot commented 1 year ago

The --help could be done either as a return in the command line or perhabs similar to how OnTopReplica handles it. If you type OnTopReplica.exe /help the program starts with a seperate view. grafik

Just as an idea. :)

p-rivero commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the suggestions! I added 3 options:

Check out the latest pre-release and let me know if they work for you!

Roti-bot commented 1 year ago

Just tested and works perfectly. Thank you!

p-rivero commented 1 year ago

That's great! I'll do some more testing and publish a new stable release.