p-rivero / DiscordAudioStream

Windows utility for streaming (with audio!) in Discord. Easily share the the audio of entire screen, or even use OBS for streaming!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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screen gets cut off when streaming #3

Closed Teraisu closed 2 years ago

Teraisu commented 2 years ago

screen gets cut off in the bottom when using the primary screen capture. is this due to my main monitor having a screen size of 27 in and my second monitor is 24 inches so it cuts of at bottom?

p-rivero commented 2 years ago

Yes, that's probably the cause. Do your monitors have different resolutions? This should be an easy fix, I will update you once it's working.

Teraisu commented 2 years ago

no my monitors have both the same res just different screen size. main monitor is bigger than the other. Okay, thanks!

p-rivero commented 2 years ago

I believe there are 2 possible causes for this bug. Either A) one of your monitors has a DPI scaling of more than 100% or B) there is a bug in the code that removes the taskbar from the captured screen. If the cause is A, the latest prerelease should fix your issue. Make sure to also download DiscordAudioStream.exe.config and place it in the same folder, next to DiscordAudioStream.exe. I'm working on embedding the file in the exe for the final release, but for now you will need to download both files. If that doesn't work, try changing the "Hide taskbar" checkbox and see if it helps.

Teraisu commented 2 years ago

so you want me to create a folder and place both the discordaudiostream.exe and the discordaudiostream.exe.config in it ?

p-rivero commented 2 years ago

Well, you don't strictly need to create a new folder, as long as discordaudiostream.exe.config is placed in the same folder as discordaudiostream.exe, the exe should ignore any DPI changes. If the DPI scaling is causing the issue, this should solve it.

Teraisu commented 2 years ago

the fix you've made works so far, however, Discord Audio Stream window misses a lil bit of the screen, even when removing the taskbar. The screen might be too large to capture the full screen?

as you can my main screen is captured fully to the bottom - https://i.gyazo.com/c06d26100f0c9f939345a2578453f488.jpg discord audio screen capture doesn't capture fully the bottom - https://i.gyazo.com/c65324453f2da9124ba481ea53115b58.jpg

p-rivero commented 2 years ago

From these two captures it seems like everything is working as intended.

When you press the Start stream button, the Discord Audio Stream window is resized to exactly the same size as the item you are capturing (either a window or, in this case, an entire monitor). This is done in order to preserve the full picture quality. This means that when you stream an entire screen sometimes part of the window won't fit inside your monitor. However, that's not a problem, since Discord is perfectly capable of streaming the window, even if it's partially occluded or outside the screen.

TLDR: The window is not cropped, it just looks like it is because it doesn't fit in the screen. Even if you cannot see the entire window, the Discord audience will be able to see it once you stream it.

Now, if you don't want to deal with such a big window (it can be a pain to use the desktop when most of the screen is taken by one window) and you don't need the full picture quality (free Discord limits it to 720p anyways), you can set the Scale dropdown to 50% or 25%. This way the window will fit inside the monitor easily (and it won't look like part of the capture is cropped).

Teraisu commented 2 years ago

ahh okay , thanks for your explanation seriously. thanks for the fix!