p-rivero / DiscordAudioStream

Windows utility for streaming (with audio!) in Discord. Easily share the the audio of entire screen, or even use OBS for streaming!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DiscordAudioStream Error #40

Closed kaisent closed 8 months ago

kaisent commented 8 months ago

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Access is denied at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModuleInfos(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly) at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetFirstModuleInfo(Int32 processId) at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainModule() at DiscordAudioStream.VideoCapture.WindowList.<>cDisplayClass5_0.b__0(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam) in D:\a\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\VideoCapture\WindowList.cs:line 36 at Windows.Win32.PInvoke.EnumWindows(WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam) at DiscordAudioStream.VideoCapture.WindowList.Refresh() in D:\a\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\VideoCapture\WindowList.cs:line 30 at DiscordAudioStream.VideoCapture.ScreenAndWindowList.Refresh() in D:\a\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\VideoCapture\ScreenAndWindowList.cs:line 36 at DiscordAudioStream.MainForm.RefreshCaptureUI() in D:\a\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\MainForm.cs:line 127 at DiscordAudioStream.MainForm.d33.MoveNext() in D:\a\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\DiscordAudioStream\MainForm.cs:line 242 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 (64 bit) Installed framework: .NET Framework 4.8.9181.0 Build ID: 1699799780 (1.4.1) Log ID: 1699853507 I tried installing and launching the exe file, and with admin as well, both did not solve the issue

p-rivero commented 8 months ago

It seems the problem is that the app was requesting more permissions than it needed. When certain programs like Task Manager are open, those extra permissions are denied and the app crashes. See if the latest pre-release fixes the problem for you.

p-rivero commented 8 months ago

The pre-release seems to have fixed this issue. Feel free to re-open if that's not the case.