p-society / gc-server

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[FEAT]: Implementation of Player APIs #34

Closed zakhaev26 closed 4 months ago

zakhaev26 commented 5 months ago

We have developed a player API to support player dashboards. However, there are several functionalities and enhancements that need to be implemented to improve the overall functionality.

Read All Players API:

Implement an API endpoint to retrieve all player data.
Ensure proper pagination to handle large datasets.
Include flags or filters to allow for customization of the query results.

Update All Players API:

Develop an API endpoint to update information for multiple players simultaneously.
Implement validation checks to ensure data integrity and security.
Provide options for bulk updates with proper error handling.

Soft Deletion of Players API:

Create an API endpoint to perform soft deletion of player records.
A flag or status field to indicate deleted players without removing them from the database to be implemented.
Ensure proper handling of soft deletion.


Proper pagination: Implement pagination for large datasets to improve performance and user experience.
Flags and filters: Allow users to customize queries with flags and filters to retrieve specific subsets of data.
Validation checks: Implement validation rules to ensure data integrity and prevent invalid updates.
Error handling: Provide comprehensive error handling to handle various scenarios gracefully and provide meaningful feedback to users.
Security considerations: Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to restrict access to sensitive endpoints and data.
Documentation: Document APIs and endpoints thoroughly to facilitate integration and usage by developers.
zakhaev26 commented 4 months ago

Completed Player APIs with proper enhancements, Closed as completed.