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WebApp to book turns for the washing machine #15

Open palash25 opened 6 years ago

palash25 commented 6 years ago

A web or mobile app (or both) with the following features:

Stretch Goal: To verify whether the user has actually occupied the machine or is just messing with their floormates we would need to integrate it with some kind of IoT. Some sound or motion sensor can be used to verify whether the machines are actually in use or not.

Originally proposed by: @nayonika1999

nayonika1999 commented 6 years ago

Maybe we can include the feature to 'book our time slot for using the machine'. This shall also get reflected in the availability status of the machine.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

@swap1108 can you mentor @nayonika1999 on this? It might require some knowledge of IoT

swap1108 commented 6 years ago

@palash25 ya I can help @nayonika1999 if she needs. It requires application of IoT as you have already mentioned, and we need to link it to the mobile app with the help of cloud computing. It can be an interesting project !

nayonika1999 commented 6 years ago

Ofcourse @swap1108 I'd need your help.. I m totally a newbie in this field and would love to be mentored by you in knowing new concepts and implementing them in the project.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

You two discuss the approach required to complete this project. @nayonika1999 will write most of the initial code as she needs to learn once she has an MVP ready @swap1108 you could start coding with her.

I think the IOT stuff would need to discussed in person I'm not sure if it can be discussed remotely (if it can be then that's great) but till then I think @nayonika1999 should get started on the app. Or if you @nayonika1999 feel you are not ready yet you can take your time to learn the technologies required for this and pick it up after the vacations.

nayonika1999 commented 6 years ago

Though I have good experience of coding,yet concepts like IOT and app development are totally new..But I assure you i'm gonna pick up the slack very soon this summer.

swap1108 commented 6 years ago

Ya sure from next sem. If people with common skills flock together, something better can be done. I'm open to any help from my side.

sibasish14 commented 6 years ago

Just a suggestion guys(this probably is a later part of the project and maybe just a minor add-on)..... @nayonika1999 mentioned using a "book time-slot feature". I'm suggesting limiting the maximum no. of bookings to something like "twice per person per week". To reduce traffic maybe.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

I'm suggesting limiting the maximum no. of bookings to something like "twice per person per week". To reduce traffic maybe.

@ayush1999 would hate that :laughing: (inside joke don't bother)

cc @knrt10 :point_up:

knrt10 commented 6 years ago

He would kill the app maker.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

He would kill the app maker.

Woah woah woah do you want to scare the 1st years away? @knrt10

sibasish14 commented 6 years ago

Maybe we can provide @ayush1999 with some special privileges, so that he spares the app-makers' lives :P **no offence intended :)

palash25 commented 6 years ago


sr6033 commented 6 years ago

@nayonika1999 Try and take help from your seniors who are actively working in IOT. I would recommend Kaushik of IT branch (3rd yr). He has a lot of knowledge in this domain.