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Papers We Love Bhubaneswar chapter #17

Open palash25 opened 6 years ago

palash25 commented 6 years ago

To increase the interest in research this might be a good idea. Papers we love is a global community of programmers and engineers who regularly organize a meetup and talk about their favourite research papers.

Currently there is no Bhubaneswar chapter maybe we can apply for one. I'm not sure how difficult it actually is. I would need help from people interested in research.

cc @ayush1999 @hdidwania @shivank01


https://github.com/papers-we-love/papers-we-love http://paperswelove.org/ https://github.com/papers-we-love/organizers https://github.com/papers-we-love/papers-we-love/wiki/Organizer-resources

papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
Papers We Love
Papers We Love
A repository of computer science papers and a community of people who love reading them
organizers - Materials for starting a local Papers We Love chapter
papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
shivank01 commented 6 years ago

Yeah, It will be a great move to increase the interest in research. It will also give an option to interact with other colleges in bhubaneswar on research.

hdidwania commented 6 years ago

The idea is great and seems feasible. I looked at the meetup events of Hyderabad chapter, and noticed an average attendance of 5-7, which is something I think we can achieve. We may be able to collaborate with other colleges and let other institutes be a part of such meetups. Its a feasible idea. We can work on it.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

We may be able to collaborate with other colleges and let other institutes be a part of such meetups

Hosting students from outside great idea :+1:

You and Shivank should coordinate on this and keep me updated. Ayush can help too if he wants.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

@shivank01 can you please post some update regarding this issue. I saw the repository you made, are we done with? What are the next steps we need to take for this?

hdidwania commented 6 years ago

As per PWL's page:

Have a chapter repository created within the Papers We Love organization: Open an issue on this repo requesting a chapter repo and telling us about yourself, who is helping you out, where we can find you online (twitter, etc) and where you're planning on starting the chapter. One of the Papers We Love administrators will get in touch with you and once everything is squared away will create the repo for your planned chapter. You will be added to a chapter-organizers team and given read / write access to the repo.

So we need to put up a issue here: https://github.com/papers-we-love/organizers/issues and wait for their response. Let us go through other chapter request issues in order to understand what they want and expect, in order to write a good proposal. We can draft one in 3-4 days at max. But I suggest we do this at the later stages of the vacation, because we can not hold any sessions now. It would be bad to show a new chapter inactive for the first 2-3 months of its existence.

organizers - Materials for starting a local Papers We Love chapter
palash25 commented 6 years ago

Agreed lets get back to this in July @hdidwania

shivank01 commented 6 years ago

@palash25 @hdidwania I saw some of the the proposals and their responses. They are asking for atleast 2 organisers and ~15 members in the first meetup. Also, They want us to decide the place where all the future meetups wil be organised.

shivank01 commented 6 years ago

Till now we have the following members in the team:-

palash25 commented 6 years ago

The place can be one of the AGs

Organizers can be any two of us.

We can also add first years that are interested to become members ask on slack lets see how many of them are.

hdidwania commented 6 years ago

We have the organizers and I guess we can expect a participation of 15 in the first one (I hope, the coding community of college will help with this). For the place, we can tell them that we would be conducting in the institute itself.

For long term goals, we need to get in touch with people involved in research, from our college, as well as other institutes, to make the chapter better. And maybe try to include research enthusiasts of different fields. The current organizing team seems to have a strong bias for ml and related fields.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

The current organizing team seems to have a strong bias for ml and related fields.

bias? I didn't get you?

hdidwania commented 6 years ago

bias? I didn't get you?

Bias in the sense that we 3 or 4 of us primarily work on ML, and will tend to discuss more on that field. We can make the chapter activity diversified by including others who focus on other fields as well. That will bring more variance to the chapter, maybe, which would be good.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

I tend to read a lot on distributed systems and blockchain. Even @IamRaviTejaG know quite a bit about blockchain so I think we need not worry about that. Also the first years might make our chapter a bit more diversified.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Also Saswat Satapathy and Shivani Singh are researchers in the field of Networking and Pratyush Samantray is there for Algorithms. I do have research interest in SDN as well.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Also some faculties and Phd Students can join the discussion once they got to know abt the culture

palash25 commented 6 years ago

What is SDN?

hdidwania commented 6 years ago

Well, right. I guess the problem of diversification doesn't really exist. Cool then. We would come back on this around July, and hopefully have our first meet in August.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Its Software Defined Networks. The programming layer to control the control and data plane in networking.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Its Software Defined Networks. The programming layer to control the control and data plane in networking.

Sounds cool I didn't really understand that :sweat_smile: but I am going to read up on it.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Sure, its the new way of networking routers and switches communication. Eventually all the communication services will adopt this software defined networking .

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

@hdidwania Put some checkpoints to this issue. We will cover it before August.

arijeetsat commented 5 years ago

Should cover this issue as college reopens.

palash25 commented 5 years ago

Should cover this issue as college reopens.

Shiwank will be working on this before the college reopens I think late July iirc

arijeetsat commented 5 years ago

Everyone is busy in internship stuff, hence keeping all such issues to be the target of August 2018.

shivank01 commented 5 years ago

I have opened the issue in papers-we-love organisation for setting up the chapter. You can track the issue here

ayush1999 commented 5 years ago

@shivank01 Great. Small note: The link for the P society website in your issue is incorrect. Can you correct it asap?

shivank01 commented 5 years ago

@ayush1999 Done

knrt10 commented 5 years ago

@shivank01 psoc link is changed please edit in paper-we love description. Its https://p-society.herokuapp.com

shivank01 commented 5 years ago

@knrt10 done

shivank01 commented 5 years ago

We have to choose any meetup group. We can either use meetup.com or facebook public group. As meetup.com is paid, we should go with facebook group. I will also talk to meetup.com if they can give us free trial for first few months. Meetup.com has an excellent RSVP system and a rich API which allows us to auto-generate the Upcoming meetups posts on paperswelove.org.

arijeetsat commented 5 years ago

We have to choose any meetup group. We can either use meetup.com or facebook public group. As meetup.com is paid, we should go with facebook group. I will also talk to meetup.com if they can give us free trial for first few months. Meetup.com has an excellent RSVP system and a rich API which allows us to auto-generate the Upcoming meetups posts on paperswelove.org.

Good to go , I think meetup can provide us free trial for some months, after some months once set-up we can organise on FB groups,fb evens or if possible(as per funds) on meetup as well. :+1:

shivank01 commented 5 years ago

We have now officially the papers-we-love chapter in bhubaneswar. You can check out our official repository here. After our first meetup our chapter name will be there on the official papers-we-love repository. I will be adding the other co-organizers by today.

hdidwania commented 5 years ago

Well done Shivank. Lets make this thing a hit.

palash25 commented 5 years ago

Noice :+1:

arijeetsat commented 5 years ago


shivank01 commented 5 years ago

I have updated the repository and also set up the twitter account(link in readme). Also, I have sent the collaborator invite to all.

shivank01 commented 5 years ago

We have to decide the date, theme, papers and speakers for our first meetup. Also, we have to let other colleges know that there is papers we love chapter in bhubaneswar. I think @nawedx can help us in this as he know people from other colleges as well. CC: @arijeetsat @hdidwania @palash25 @ayush1999

hdidwania commented 5 years ago

I think Nawed can help. First of all we need to share about this to our college's community as well as to other college's. Lets give it 10-12 days to get some members who know about it, and then decide to hold the opening session around the mid of next month.

arijeetsat commented 5 years ago

Before that we need to frame a specific objective of the chapter, that we will be conveying to people and the main purpose of having this chapter in BBSR, someone please elaborate them.

arijeetsat commented 5 years ago

As per the repo.

arijeetsat commented 5 years ago
Papers We Love
Chapter | Papers We Love
A repository of computer science papers and a community of people who love reading them
Papers We Love
Chapter | Papers We Love
A repository of computer science papers and a community of people who love reading them
Papers We Love
Chapter | Papers We Love
A repository of computer science papers and a community of people who love reading them
nawedx commented 5 years ago

Thank you guys for patience. I know I have been inactive for sometime. I am catching up. @shivank01 I have good contacts with some final year CETians. I am sure they will be interested in joining us in our Papers We Love sessions. Let's organize a session soon.