p-society / goals

An ambitious bucket list of things we want to achieve as a community.
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Set up accounts for online donation platforms #30

Open palash25 opened 6 years ago

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Recently we saw one of our project's typeracer-cli (written by our webdev ninja @knrt10 ) gain some popularity with more than 30 stars currently (not all from society members a few of the stargazers are GSoCers from other colleges too). One of @knrt10 personal projects cloudinary-cli got recognition from https://cloudinary.com itself.

If nifty hacks like the aformentioned projects get so much recognition think what our major projects can do. Now that almost all of our social media accounts are set and will be generating content and I'm also looking into software to automate our marketing workflow using these accounts I think its time we start a conversation about money.

I think that our project have the potential to generate some revenue. Since I am an open source enthusiast I would like to keep our code free but also include a few links and badges to ask people who use our software for donations.

Might sound foolhardy but what's the harm in trying. The worst that could happen is we get no money which would be fine since we already have no money :laughing:

If by chance we get some kind of donation it can be used by future batches to organize events. Even if its not too much to sponsor an event we can atleast try to buy some swag from the donations.

Other colleges have sources of income to sustain their club's activities like Amritapuri charges a Rs 100 from students (saw it on their website) to attend their sessions (which is a bit strange coming from a college with so many open source devs) but I am strictly against that because education should be free and interested people shouldn't have to pay for it. We can find other ethical ways of raising funds

I guess we should open accounts on some/all the following services and include the badges in the READMEs of our current and upcoming projects:

Now some people would say that only legends like sindresorhus can do it but I strongly disagree.

All in favour give me a :+1:

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arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Ok, there is no problem in asking for donation ,there are many open source softwares that do so.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Since , fund raising is a point here, I was thinking of an Alumni Fund. What are your opinion guys?.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

You mean when we start our jobs we donate to the alumni fund? I like that too.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Even, the present alumni can donate, if you remember we had an Alumi meet, that helped in creating a networking among present student and alumnus, also its present in many other colleges.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

if you remember we had an Alumi meet

Wasn't there.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Just give me a thought abt it, we can open it this year if planned.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Fine then @arijeetsat you will be incharge of the Alumni fund then.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

But @arijeetsat if we setup an alumni fund wouldn't that be controlled by the college administration and we would have to beg them again for money? If that is the case can you make a separate issue for Alumni funds.

arijeetsat commented 6 years ago

Shifting Alumni Network and Alumni fund to a new issue.

knrt10 commented 6 years ago

Cool thing to do. I am in.

IamRaviTejaG-zz commented 6 years ago

@palash25 Do we accept Bitcoin? 😛

knrt10 commented 6 years ago

@IamRaviTejaG kuch mere ko bhej de.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Bitcoin, ether, monero, we will accept everything @IamRaviTejaG

@IamRaviTejaG kuch mere ko bhej de.

Go earn some on Gitcoin @knrt10 and don't you already have some BTC thanks to me :wink: