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Notes & Quick Start Guides #37

Open IamRaviTejaG-zz opened 6 years ago

IamRaviTejaG-zz commented 6 years ago

Inspired from @palash25's repository (https://github.com/palash25/Notes), I'd like to suggest having a Notes/Quick Start guides repo for the society. Anyone can contribute notes and guides to this repo via PRs.

This would help newcomers get started with technologies, programming languages, etc.

Notes - My notes on software :computer: engineering and programming languages
palash25 commented 6 years ago

Notes about what?

IamRaviTejaG-zz commented 6 years ago

Programming languages, and technologies, be it bitcoin, blockchain, etc. Detailed notes, in the simplest language possible, so that everyone can understand concepts thoroughly.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Sure. Maybe you can fork mine and add more to those. That way everyone can contribute and we would have a bigger and better collection and my origin would remain untouched and everyone will be happy :tada:

IamRaviTejaG-zz commented 6 years ago

Yeah, pretty cool!

palash25 commented 5 years ago

@IamRaviTejaG make this a little more interesting so that others can contribute. Maybe make a website out of it where all the notes are segregated into different categories and every addition or deletion to these notes will be peer-reviewed by the community.

Or something simpler could be using Gitbook (although it is not a book)

This way we might be able to create some code contribution opportunities too. :+1: