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Initiating the AI saturday Bhubaneswar chapter #45

Open saiamrit opened 5 years ago

saiamrit commented 5 years ago

Initiating the AI saturday Bhubaneswar chapter to encourage and help beginners in top AI Moocs and hold problem solving sessions to give them hands on experience.

saiamrit commented 5 years ago

Guys what are your opinions or suggestions for this initiative.

shivank01 commented 5 years ago

Nice Initiative..

ankitjha97 commented 5 years ago

I think 1 workshop could be sufficient.

saiamrit commented 5 years ago

but @ankitjha97 in one workshop we cannot teach everything in that depth as much can be done by people taking the moocs. Through a workshop we can surely give an overview of all things but for proper learning taking a course will be helpful.

hdidwania commented 5 years ago

Seems exciting, this initiative.