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Sessions for 2019-20 #49

Open dnabanita7 opened 4 years ago

dnabanita7 commented 4 years ago

For the even semester, the plan is as follows:

  1. Competitive coding: (not sure what exactly, will decide as per the requirements)
  2. Go(as suggested by 2nd years in the first meeting): @KayGKay
  3. WebD/Android :
  4. ML/DL: Intro to ML/DL (solving a pet project), intro to text, vision, speech
  5. Hackathons: @sudonitesh @Rupeshiya @quoraboy @debck @pratap47 @pranayag15 @suicide11

All 2nd years get in contact with 3rd years for organizing the events. Edit this to include whoever you want.

palash25 commented 4 years ago

Hello :wave:

GitHub, gitlab, other subsidiaries

imo introducing too many cloud hosted to the first years might be too much of information, so I hope by this you mean that you will introduce them to one of them (github would be my recommendation) and just tell the names of the other services

intro to distributed version-control, intro to Git, GitHub, gitlab, other subsidiaries, intro to Open source Program, basics of Git-flows (1.5 hrs for 3 days)

so this was something that I wanted to do last year but couldn't and its also missing from this year's description. I wanted to show them the process of solving an issue. Turning something like this into a live demo. I would be forever grateful if you all are able to do this.

Go(as suggested by 2nd years in the first meeting)

who is gonna take this one?

dnabanita7 commented 4 years ago


so I hope by this you mean that you will introduce them to one of them (github would be my recommendation) and just tell the names of the other services

Yes, I meant the same. Introducing them to every other cloud based git services in 1st year will confuse them and make them less motivated.

I wanted to show them the process of solving an issue.

By introducing to GitHub I mean not just explaining the terminologies used but making them raise an issue and create and merge a pr at the same time. We will make all the sessions more of hands-on rather than just explaining the theory. Most probably I think of using firstcontributions repo for this.

I would be forever grateful if you all are able to do this.

We also want to do this. :smile: It might help increase number of GSoCers or other open source program students.

who is gonna take this one?

No idea. ping @debck

Also, can the 4th years tell any problems or loopholes or shortcomings in conducting sessions so that we won't repeat that again.

palash25 commented 4 years ago

Most probably I think of using firstcontributions repo for this.

you can use that, but that's not what I meant. I wanted someone to show them how to go about making a PR for an actual good first issue in an actual OSS projects, not just creating PRs in their own repos or forks. If that is possible.

kayg04 commented 4 years ago

who is gonna take this one?

I can.

github would be my recommendation

GitLab would be mine. It's completely OSS unlike GitHub.

you can use that, but that's not what I meant. I wanted someone to show them how to go about making a PR for an actual good first issue in an actual OSS projects, not just creating PRs in their own repos or forks. If that is possible.

I guess this is possible since a lot of projects have very trivial issues that people keep deferring..

palash25 commented 4 years ago

GitLab would be mine. It's completely OSS unlike GitHub.

Agreed I just find github's interface easier to grasp unlike gitlab which looks too detailed and cluttered to me, anyway you all can take a call on this

I guess this is possible since a lot of projects have very trivial issues that people keep deferring..

it could be something as small as this PR I made a few days ago https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12000 An issue where you can tell them how to look for the related files, finding the relevant piece of code using something like grep and making the fix

kayg04 commented 4 years ago

finding the relevant piece of code using something like grep and making the fix

Oh, I think that's a brilliant approach. It gives them insight on filtering too. And mate, when did you learn Nim?

palash25 commented 4 years ago

And mate, when did you learn Nim?

I didn't just been wanting to, but the official site has a plethora of resources to learn from so maybe I will if I get the time.

dnabanita7 commented 4 years ago

I wanted someone to show them how to go about making a PR for an actual good first issue in an actual OSS projects, not just creating PRs in their own repos or forks. If that is possible.

Yes sure.

Well I also like GitLab rather than GitHub. But considering the fact that freshmen year is introduced, GitHub will be better. Maybe we need a discussion on this with others.