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Become a Google DSC(Developer Student Club) #50

Closed dnabanita7 closed 4 years ago

dnabanita7 commented 4 years ago

What is the benefit of being a DSC lead?

What are the application acceptance requirements to become a DSC lead?

What type of commitment is needed as a DSC lead?

Who can apply?

A student that is currently enrolled between the 2nd — penultimate year in a computer science course or related engineering discipline at any accredited college/university

DSC is a Google Developers program for University students, designed to help you build your mobile and web development skills and knowledge.

It is open to any student, ranging from novice (developers who are just starting), to advanced (developers who want to further improve their skills). The intention is for you to learn and collaborate as you solve mobile and web development problems for local businesses in your region.

@p-society/2022-batch The application form for India is open from March-April iirc, please apply for it.

Google Developers
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debck commented 4 years ago

@Naba7 I think we already have a DSC chapter in our college. Hardik Singh Bhaiya is the lead.

arijeetsat commented 4 years ago

Yup Contact Hardik and transfer the lead before the end of this year, Siddharth of EEE 2nd Yr is very active with the DSC lead, contact him and help him manage the activities.

dnabanita7 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I know that. But we need an active lead for upcoming years.@debck Alright then. I will talk to him. @arijeetsat Closing this for now.