p-v-o-s / open-lab-monitor

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add an i/o expander to VUSB design #7

Open dwblair opened 10 years ago

dwblair commented 10 years ago

nice part: Microchip - MCP3424-E/SL http://octopart.com/mcp3424-e%2Fsl-microchip-7183533

associated arduino libraries: http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/adcpiarduino/info.aspx

dwblair commented 10 years ago

... and here: http://dangerousprototypes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5022

dwblair commented 10 years ago

... and schematics, and code from JeeLabs! http://moderndevice.com/product/jeelabs-analog-plug/

dwblair commented 10 years ago


dwblair commented 10 years ago

Ooops. That wasn't an I/O expander. That was a differential ADC. We want an I/O expander: http://jeelabs.net/projects/hardware/wiki/Expander_Plug

dwblair commented 10 years ago


dwblair commented 10 years ago

Maybe use higher-res IO expander? https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8130

dwblair commented 10 years ago


dwblair commented 10 years ago

http://maniacbug.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/double-7-segment-led-with-io-expander-20/ -- useful background for this chip: MCP23018