p00f / clangd_extensions.nvim

Clangd's off-spec features for neovim's LSP client. Use https://sr.ht/~p00f/clangd_extensions.nvim instead
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[Help wanted] pass c++17 standard to clangd server in init.lua #35

Closed sekirocc closed 1 year ago

sekirocc commented 1 year ago

Hi, in my init.lua i have the following config.


but i get this warning in my c++11 project. image

after i set c++ standards in .clangd file, like this

  Add: [-xc++, -Wall, -std=c++17]
  Compiler: clang++

the warning gone! but i really don't want to add this extra file in every projects...

How can i set this in the init.lua config?

Maybe need to tweak something in the setup{}, but i'm really new in vim lsp stuff... i googled and tried the following, still have no luck..

local clangd_defaults = require "lspconfig.server_configurations.clangd"
local clangd_configs = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", clangd_defaults["default_config"], {
    cmd = {
    initialization_options = {
        fallback_flags = { "-std=c++17" },
    server = clangd_configs,
p00f commented 1 year ago

you want

   server = {
      cmd = {
      initialization_options = {
         fallback_flags = { "-std=c++17" },
sekirocc commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your reply! but sorry i tried the settings, it didn't work either.

p00f commented 1 year ago

For standard you can also add

  PathMatch: [.*\.cpp, .\*.cc, .\*.cxx, .\*.hh, .\*.hpp, .\*.hxx]
  Add: [-std=c++17]

to your clangd config file (which is ~/.config/clangd/config.yaml on linux)

That said, I don't know why that doesn't work for you, it works for #15

sekirocc commented 1 year ago

ok, put it in ~/.config/clangd/config.yaml is a good & simple way to enable compile flags globally, thanks!