p00f / clangd_extensions.nvim

Clangd's off-spec features for neovim's LSP client. Use https://sr.ht/~p00f/clangd_extensions.nvim instead
MIT License
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Not clear how to set up after new update #49

Closed ismasou closed 10 months ago

ismasou commented 10 months ago

After the new update, my older setup using nvim-lspconfig is not working. I use lazy.nvim and add a lsp to nvim-lspconfig named clangd:

        setup = {
                clangd = function(_, opts)
                    opts.capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false
                        server = {
                            cmd = { "clangd",
                            init_options = {
                                clangdFileStatus = true,
                                usePlaceholders = true,
                                completeUnimported = true,
                                semanticHighlighting = true,
                        extensions = {
                            autoSetHints = true,
                            ast = {
                                --These require codicons (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons)
                                role_icons = {
                                    type = "",
                                    declaration = "",
                                    expression = "",
                                    specifier = "",
                                    statement = "",
                                    ["template argument"] = "",
                                kind_icons = {
                                    Compound = "",
                                    Recovery = "",
                                    TranslationUnit = "",
                                    PackExpansion = "",
                                    TemplateTypeParm = "",
                                    TemplateTemplateParm = "",
                                    TemplateParamObject = "",

                    vim.keymap.set("n", "gh", "<cmd>ClangdSwitchSourceHeader<CR>",
                        { silent = true, desc = "Switch between header and source" })
                    return opts

Can you please clarify how one should do the setup now?

p00f commented 10 months ago


Just use lspconfig or vim.lsp.start like your other servers, instead of the server key in clang-extensions setup