p0deje / Maccy

Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS
MIT License
11.51k stars 495 forks source link

The window jumps when the Option (⌥) is pressed #777

Open Kentzo opened 2 months ago

Kentzo commented 2 months ago

Before Submitting Your Bug Report

Maccy Version (see 'About' window)


macOS Version


Maccy Settings

    "KeyboardShortcuts_delete" = "{\\"carbonModifiers\\":2048,\\"carbonKeyCode\\":51}";
    "KeyboardShortcuts_pin" = "{\\"carbonModifiers\\":2048,\\"carbonKeyCode\\":35}";
    "KeyboardShortcuts_popup" = "{\\"carbonModifiers\\":2304,\\"carbonKeyCode\\":8}";
    "LaunchAtLogin__hasMigrated" = 1;
    "NSStatusItem Visible Item-0" = 0;
    "NSWindow Frame SUStatusFrame" = "1080 961 400 134 0 0 2560 1415 ";
    "NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert" = "970 762 620 398 0 0 2560 1415 ";
    "NSWindow Frame com.sindresorhus.Preferences.FrameAutosaveName" = "1039 469 542 435 0 0 2560 1415 ";
    "NSWindow Frame com.sindresorhus.Settings.FrameAutosaveName" = "993 667 442 322 0 0 2560 1415 ";
    SUEnableAutomaticChecks = 0;
    SUHasLaunchedBefore = 1;
    SULastCheckTime = "2024-05-07 17:12:09 +0000";
    SUSendProfileInfo = 0;
    WebKitDefaultFontSize = 13;
    WebKitJavaScriptEnabled = 0;
    WebKitPluginsEnabled = 0;
    WebKitStandardFont = "-apple-system-font";
    WebKitUserStyleSheetEnabledPreferenceKey = 1;
    WebKitUserStyleSheetLocationPreferenceKey = "/Applications/Maccy.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Resources/ReleaseNotesColorStyle.css";
    avoidTakingFocus = 1;
    clearOnQuit = 0;
    enabledPasteboardTypes =     (
    hideFooter = 1;
    hideTitle = 1;
    historySize = 999;
    ignoredPasteboardTypes =     (
        "Pasteboard generator type",
    imageMaxHeight = 16;
    maxMenuItemLength = 80;
    maxMenuItems = 16;
    migrations =     {
        "2020-04-25-allow-custom-ignored-types" = 1;
        "2020-06-19-use-keyboardshortcuts" = 1;
        "2020-09-01-ignore-keeweb" = 1;
        "2021-02-20-allow-to-customize-supported-types" = 1;
        "2021-06-28-add-title-to-history-item" = 1;
        "2021-10-16-remove-dynamic-pasteboard-types" = 1;
        "2022-08-01-rename-suppress-clear-alert" = 1;
        "2022-11-14-add-html-rtf-to-supported-types" = 1;
        "2023-01-22-add-regexp-search-mode" = 1;
    pasteByDefault = 0;
    playSounds = 0;
    popupPosition = center;
    previewDelay = 99000;
    searchMode = fuzzy;
    showInStatusBar = 0;


See the attached video:


Refs #631

Steps to Reproduce

One way to reproduce it is to summon the popup window then press ⌥. Another way is to summon the popup window and then release the shortcut keys such that the ⌥ is released the last.

afragen commented 1 month ago

FWIW I see something similar but only seems to be when Terminal.app is frontmost app.

Kentzo commented 2 weeks ago

I tried to debug this by adding an observer for NSWindow.didMoveNotification / NSWindow.didResizeNotification in MenuHeaderView.viewDidMoveToWindow:

Looks like when you release the Option key, the window gets incorrectly resized, here is the backtrace:

Thread 1 Queue : com.apple.main-thread (serial)
#0  0x0000000100f293d8 in closure #2 in MenuHeaderView.viewDidMoveToWindow() at Maccy/Maccy/Menu/MenuHeader/MenuHeaderView.swift:62
#1  0x0000000100f2932c in thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed @Sendable (@in_guaranteed Notification) -> () ()
#3  0x00000001882233d8 in ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke ()
#4  0x0000000188223320 in _CFXRegistrationPost ()
#5  0x000000018815d678 in _CFXNotificationPost ()
#6  0x000000018927a4e4 in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] ()
#7  0x000000018ba3c0c8 in -[NSWindow _setFrameCommon:display:fromServer:] ()
#8  0x000000018c0f8804 in -[NSPopupMenuWindow setFrame:display:animate:] ()
#9  0x000000018c0f8178 in -[NSPopupMenuWindow updateWindowFrameTo:withAnimation:] ()
#10 0x000000018bff2828 in -[NSContextMenuImpl _menuBackingViewDidChangeIntrinsicSizeWithAnimation:] ()
#11 0x000000018bff2454 in -[NSContextMenuImpl _commitWindowSizeChangesForWidth:height:animated:] ()
#12 0x000000018bff2294 in -[NSContextMenuImpl endGroupingUpdates] ()
#13 0x000000018c20fd60 in -[NSCocoaMenuImpl _updateModifierFlagsTo:groupingUpdates:] ()
#14 0x000000018c0381dc in -[NSMenuTrackingSession _modifierFlagsChanged:] ()
#15 0x000000018c037cb4 in -[NSMenuTrackingSession handleEvent:] ()
#16 0x000000018c037150 in -[NSMenuTrackingSession startRunningMenuEventLoop:] ()
#17 0x000000018c76a8e4 in -[NSContextMenuTrackingSession startMonitoringEventsInMode:] ()
#18 0x000000018bff0310 in +[NSContextMenuImpl presentPopup:fromView:withContext:animated:] ()
#19 0x000000018c218b40 in _NSPopUpMenu ()
#20 0x000000018c21d398 in -[NSCocoaMenuImpl _popUpMenuPositioningItem:atCocoaIndex:atLocation:inView:withPrivateFlags:appearance:] ()
#21 0x000000018c093a80 in -[NSMenu popUpMenuPositioningItem:atLocation:inView:appearance:] ()
#22 0x0000000100f3be40 in Menu.popUpMenu(at:ofType:) at Maccy/Maccy/Menu/Menu.swift:92
#23 0x0000000100ee334c in closure #1 in closure #1 in MenuController.popUp() at Maccy/Maccy/Menu/MenuController.swift:29
#24 0x0000000100ee3ca4 in MenuController.linkingMenuToStatusItem(_:) at Maccy/Maccy/Menu/MenuController.swift:79
#25 0x0000000100ee3190 in closure #1 in MenuController.popUp() at Maccy/Maccy/Menu/MenuController.swift:28
#26 0x0000000100ee3e68 in MenuController.withFocus(_:) at Maccy/Maccy/Menu/MenuController.swift:120
#27 0x0000000100ee3024 in MenuController.popUp() at Maccy/Maccy/Menu/MenuController.swift:23
#28 0x0000000100f52ab0 in Maccy.popUp() at Maccy/Maccy/Maccy.swift:99
#29 0x0000000100f66fc0 in implicit closure #2 in implicit closure #1 in AppDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:) at Maccy/Maccy/AppDelegate.swift:31
#30 0x0000000100f7f91c in thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () ()
#31 0x0000000100f7f564 in thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> (@out ()) ()
#32 0x0000000100f7e580 in static KeyboardShortcuts.handleOnKeyDown(_:) at KeyboardShortcuts/Sources/KeyboardShortcuts/KeyboardShortcuts.swift:82
#33 0x0000000100f7df40 in implicit closure #1 in static KeyboardShortcuts.register(_:) at KeyboardShortcuts/Sources/KeyboardShortcuts/KeyboardShortcuts.swift:26
#34 0x0000000100f78634 in static CarbonKeyboardShortcuts.handleEvent(_:) at KeyboardShortcuts/Sources/KeyboardShortcuts/CarbonKeyboardShortcuts.swift:142
#35 0x0000000100f782f4 in carbonKeyboardShortcutsEventHandler(eventHandlerCall:event:userData:) at KeyboardShortcuts/Sources/KeyboardShortcuts/CarbonKeyboardShortcuts.swift:4
#36 0x0000000100f79130 in @objc carbonKeyboardShortcutsEventHandler(eventHandlerCall:event:userData:) ()
#37 0x0000000192914444 in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) ()
#38 0x0000000192913844 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) ()
#39 0x0000000192929cd8 in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#40 0x000000018c1ec6c8 in -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] ()
#41 0x000000018be3a89c in -[NSApplication _handleEvent:] ()
#42 0x000000018b9eb0c0 in -[NSApplication run] ()
#43 0x000000018b9c22e0 in NSApplicationMain ()
#44 0x0000000100f6b034 in main at Maccy/Maccy/AppDelegate.swift:9
#45 0x0000000187d320e0 in start ()

Don't know if it's a bug or a misuse yet.

Kentzo commented 2 weeks ago

Removing https://github.com/p0deje/Maccy/blob/211f327ba5d1bcbbae34df976719626c664a2907/Maccy/Menu/Menu.swift#L91 fixes the issue, although the window appears not centered on the active screen but slightly off.

Kentzo commented 2 weeks ago

Tracked it to https://github.com/p0deje/Maccy/blob/211f327ba5d1bcbbae34df976719626c664a2907/Maccy/Menu/Menu.swift#L485

Kentzo commented 1 week ago

I was able to consistently reproduce inside a clean VM (using VirtualBuddy) with just Maccy installed.

p0deje commented 1 week ago

I have this fixed in 2.0, but it's going to be a couple of weeks until I release the first alpha. In 2.0, Maccy uses NSPanel instead of NSMenu which makes window manipulation much easier than it currently is.

Kentzo commented 1 week ago

It appears that post-popup adjustment of window position is the true culprit here https://github.com/p0deje/Maccy/blob/211f327ba5d1bcbbae34df976719626c664a2907/Maccy/Menu/Menu.swift#L429

Personally I prefer the window to appear slightly off rather than jump around.