With Handoff turned on, Maccy collects items copied to the clipboard on my iPhone and iPad via Apple's Universal Clipboard feature. Given my MacBook is a work device, this can lead to some personal data being captured by Maccy that I would prefer it not to collect/retain as part of the clipboard history. Without Maccy, Universal Clipboard clippings would be ephemeral and displaced the next time I copied anything on MacOS or my mobile devices.
I'd prefer to exclude Universal Clipboard items from Maccy without needing to disable Handoff entirely (it's all or nothing, no granular controls to just disabled Universal Clipboard).
Before Submitting Your Feature Request
With Handoff turned on, Maccy collects items copied to the clipboard on my iPhone and iPad via Apple's Universal Clipboard feature. Given my MacBook is a work device, this can lead to some personal data being captured by Maccy that I would prefer it not to collect/retain as part of the clipboard history. Without Maccy, Universal Clipboard clippings would be ephemeral and displaced the next time I copied anything on MacOS or my mobile devices.
I'd prefer to exclude Universal Clipboard items from Maccy without needing to disable Handoff entirely (it's all or nothing, no granular controls to just disabled Universal Clipboard).