p0deje / Maccy

Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS
MIT License
11.51k stars 495 forks source link

Paste not working on fresh install #811

Closed sahellebusch closed 2 weeks ago

sahellebusch commented 2 weeks ago

Before Submitting Your Bug Report

Maccy Version (see 'About' window)

1.0.0 (31)

macOS Version


Maccy Settings

The hideFooter caused an issue.

defaults read org.p0deje.Maccy hideFooter
2024-07-10 18:06:14.129 defaults[20991:665006]
The domain/default pair of (/Users/REDACTED/Library/Containers/org.p0deje.Maccy/Data/Library/Preferences/org.p0deje.Maccy, hideFooter) does not exist

Removed it and this was the result.

defaults read org.p0deje.Maccy
    "KeyboardShortcuts_delete" = "{\\"carbonModifiers\\":2048,\\"carbonKeyCode\\":51}";
    "KeyboardShortcuts_pin" = "{\\"carbonKeyCode\\":35,\\"carbonModifiers\\":2048}";
    "KeyboardShortcuts_popup" = "{\\"carbonModifiers\\":768,\\"carbonKeyCode\\":9}";
    "LaunchAtLogin__hasMigrated" = 1;
    "NSWindow Frame com.sindresorhus.Settings.FrameAutosaveName" = "464 375 542 436 0 0 1470 919 ";
    SUEnableAutomaticChecks = 1;
    SUHasLaunchedBefore = 1;
    SULastCheckTime = "2024-07-09 19:01:33 +0000";
    enabledPasteboardTypes =     (
    ignoredPasteboardTypes =     (
        "Pasteboard generator type"
    migrations =     {
        "2020-04-25-allow-custom-ignored-types" = 1;
        "2020-06-19-use-keyboardshortcuts" = 1;
        "2020-09-01-ignore-keeweb" = 1;
        "2021-02-20-allow-to-customize-supported-types" = 1;
        "2021-06-28-add-title-to-history-item" = 1;
        "2021-10-16-remove-dynamic-pasteboard-types" = 1;
        "2022-08-01-rename-suppress-clear-alert" = 1;
        "2022-11-14-add-html-rtf-to-supported-types" = 1;
        "2023-01-22-add-regexp-search-mode" = 1;
    searchMode = fuzzy;


I've followed instructions in the FAQ to give Maccy permission to paste but it's still not working.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Download newest
  2. Follow FAQ to give access
  3. Try pasting
p0deje commented 2 weeks ago

Please enable "Paste automatically" in preferences.