p0n1 / epub_to_audiobook

EPUB to audiobook converter, optimized for Audiobookshelf
MIT License
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Amazon Polly #14

Open tophee opened 7 months ago

tophee commented 7 months ago

Thanks for developing this!

Have you considered integrating Amazon Polly? The neural voices are exceptionally good and the possibilities with SSML are unique!

p0n1 commented 7 months ago

Yes. Thanks for your suggestion. Just played with Polly and found it's not bad. Will integrate it.

tophee commented 7 months ago

This is great news! I like in particular the British English voice “Amy (neural)” but I have so far failed to set up AWS so that I can access the Polly API (I’m not a developer), so being able to do it via your app will be great!