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fanfic download problem #57

Closed kolbdog3333 closed 2 years ago

kolbdog3333 commented 2 years ago

Am trying to download fanfics from fanfiction.net and it stops at 4 chapters. And even though server is up takes about 20 force updates for the the fanfic to download properly.

kolbdog3333 commented 2 years ago

Still trying it says webscraper server is up and running. But no chapters download and it stops at 4 chapters when using force update. Please fix.

p0ody commented 2 years ago

Could you give me the link to the fic you are trying, seems to be working fine when i try it,


kolbdog3333 commented 2 years ago

Its any fanfic here are two am trying get. using force update doesngt seem to work https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13626213/105/I-Don-t-Run-An-Orphanage https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14004915/51/School-opens-part-one"

kolbdog3333 commented 2 years ago

Now its stopping at this Collecting Fiction infos... Warning: Couldn't find fic type. No attempting at all or collecting chapter data

kolbdog3333 commented 2 years ago

Collecting Fiction infos... Warning: Failed to get Fic Infos (Attempt 2/5), attempting again. Stops at 2/5

StarWolf3000 commented 2 years ago

Yeah for some reason it stops with the red error symbol, but without writing any error in the log below. image And in the JS console it throws an error at line 46 in functions.js:

Uncaught Error: An error has occured and the script has been stopped.
    at changeState (functions.js:46)
    at newError (errorHandler20220324.js:45)
    at ajax_getFicInfos (ajax.functions20220324.js:69)
    at Object.<anonymous> (ajax.functions20220324.js:129)
    at i (jquery-1.12.4.min.js:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (jquery-1.12.4.min.js:2)
    at y (jquery-1.12.4.min.js:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery-1.12.4.min.js:4)
kolbdog3333 commented 2 years ago

Will you be able to fix it

p0ody commented 2 years ago

Ok i think i fixed it, give it a try. (Dont forget to refresh the page)

Earlier i added a new error type for blacklisted fic/author and i thing i somewhat broke the error handling.

kolbdog3333 commented 2 years ago

Its fixed thank you very much appreciate it.