p10tyr / PrestoCoverage

Visual Studio Extension for simple coverage visuals
Apache License 2.0
45 stars 6 forks source link

Add contribution guide #15

Closed jnovick closed 5 years ago

jnovick commented 5 years ago

Hey, I started creating a very similar extension, but before pushing to a git repository found your repo by looking at this issue: https://github.com/tonerdo/coverlet/issues/32. I figured instead of creating a competing project, I could contribute to yours. Unfortunately, I am having trouble getting your project to compile for me because of the coverlet.console package. I am looking for advice on contributing and how to get started. Should I be waiting until https://github.com/tonerdo/coverlet/issues/212 is resolved to contribute that way it is published publicly. I tried publishing it myself but had an issue since it is .net core not .net standard. Let me know how to get started with contributions. Thanks.

p10tyr commented 5 years ago

Oh Hi. Yes sorry for late reply. I was busy with with real life. That package is an "unofficial" package I made from the real source code. I have contacted the guy from Coverlet if I can publish it but he does not reply.

Currently I am hosting it privately- will need some work to go public

I am happy you would like to contribute. I hope its not too late. Please let me sort out a open PR I am not sure what I did last time and need to catch up

p10tyr commented 5 years ago

I have added a public NuGet for Coverlet.Core that I will be using. It is on my own decision to publish it.. if tonerdo changes his mind and does his own version I will pull this package and update accordingly


jnovick commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I am busy this week but I am gonna take a look this weekend and possibly put up a couple MRs if I can get it building now that the package is available.

p10tyr commented 5 years ago

I am in process of trying to update my source to use that package. will update master once I get it compiling

p10tyr commented 5 years ago

I made a forked version of Coverlet.Core and published it under piotrkula.coverlet.core but I will update the reference in the project so this should not be a problem any more.

Also I forked the latest version of Coverlet.Core which has a few extra parameters it want on the constructor so it wont build straight away. This plugin will probably not benefit from any of those things and is just a line fix to get going again. Will PR that soon

I went to a machine I never used for developing PrestoCoverage and documented what I needed to do to get it running and made this quick guide. Should get you going.
