p10tyr / PrestoCoverage

Visual Studio Extension for simple coverage visuals
Apache License 2.0
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Automatic margin reload #2

Closed p10tyr closed 5 years ago

p10tyr commented 5 years ago

Figure out how to update the Glyphs without having to open and close the files.

In debug it enough to start typing but in Release it requires the tab to be closed and opened.

If any body knows please comment.

p10tyr commented 5 years ago

I implemented Filesystem watched to monitor c:\coverlet

I did some more research and switched away from ITaggerProvider to IViewTaggerProvider which gives access to more of the VS IDE stuff.. This stuff will come in handy later.

Whats important is that when you add,remove,rename or update files in the coverlet directory visual studio markers "Glyphs" update.. and really fast!

Side effects of this

IanIsFluent commented 5 years ago

I'm afraid I think this needs reopening :frowning_face: - I can't see live updates with latest VS 2017