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Feature request: BIG MAME-alike lightgun crosshair option for F11 press #472

Open voradori opened 5 years ago

voradori commented 5 years ago

It will be great for those ones who play WITH crosshairs - mainly Wiimote gun users like me

We already suffer a lot because we are stick to bunch of additional software to play, like Touchmote or Demulshooter. which can't return raw data from Wiimote's pointer - it returns a DirectInput mouse only, so we only have single player available.

but our main problem is that any custom cursors from Touchmote or other software are not displayed in fullscreen, just this hardly seen red arrow by pressing F11.

we can be a bit little happier if we can see a real big crosshair like in MAME from a distance from display\tv,

and much more if we could, for example, put a crosshair.png image into a specific folder to be able to use a desired crosshair, and control its size by either png resolution or setting in video rendering options.

this problem can also be solved by adding a "borderless window\fake fullscreen" mode in GS settings - this will allow us using custom crosshairs from other software

that's the main thing.

there can be some additional improvements that can be nice for Wiimote users:

some custom lightgun settings like button changing, especially for naomi, as well as virtual gamepad support - our virtual xinput buttons from Touchmote are not detected at all. so we are tied to using 2 devices simultaniously - Wiimote for shooting and real xinput pad\keyboard for start\coin\menu buttons, for example.

I don't even dream about wiimote native support - even if there's a bunch of free driver libs that can be integrated, but such a small thing as a big custom crosshair can really make our life easier

adamgp commented 4 years ago

I second this. A simple crosshairs=1 in one of the ini files to render dual cross hairs for gun games instead of relying on the flickering windows cursor. A custom png image would be nice add on. Thanks