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Black screen after Groove Select on CvS Millenium Fight 2000 for DC in DEmul v0.7 111117 u.u #476

Open Yagami-kun opened 5 years ago

Yagami-kun commented 5 years ago

It happens on Arcade Mode and Pair Match Mode e.e

p1pkin commented 5 years ago

can't reproduce issue here. which game image you use ? GDI or CDI ? Japan or US version ?

Yagami-kun commented 5 years ago

captura de tela 2018-12-11 04 37 12

p1pkin commented 5 years ago

I see, thanks, but still cant reproduce issue here. can you try it if install Demul into new empty folder ? perhaps some your settings makes it hang

Yagami-kun commented 5 years ago

Demul is not installable,and I never replaces the files with another new ones when a new version releases,the most I do is just move the configuration files from one version to another e.e

p1pkin commented 5 years ago

the most I do is just move the configuration files from one version to another

this can be easily the cause, some games will hang if configured Dreamcast controller "extended buttons", other games may hang if some VMU path points to not existing file, etc. so I repeat - try to unpack Demul distributive into empty folder, and DO NOT put there config files you use now,

Yagami-kun commented 5 years ago

and DO NOT put there config files you use now,

This includes save files???????

p1pkin commented 5 years ago

yes, do not put there any files.

Yagami-kun commented 5 years ago

But it's restarts all my progress e.e

p1pkin commented 5 years ago

so, it solved the problem ? you can use VMU previous save files (vmsXX.bin) to keep your game progress.

Yagami-kun commented 5 years ago

so, it solved the problem ? you can use VMU previous save files (vmsXX.bin) to keep your game progress.

I unpack Demul into a fresh folder but the black screen still happens,now I think who it's happens because of the DC BIOS who I have(I downloaded it from a version of MAME comes after the last version of Demul) e.e

Yagami-kun commented 4 years ago

This troubleshoot still occurs on Demul v0.7 180428,I'll be try on another past version and after it I'll be feedbacks here e.e