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Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram (NAOMI) Twin stick mapped to 2 controllers instead of two analog sticks #493

Open AbandonedWitchStarlight opened 4 years ago

AbandonedWitchStarlight commented 4 years ago

So I was playing Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S. ver 5.66 (The NAOMI one, not the Dreamcast one) in Demul, until I realised that the second analog stick isn't working, apparently until I found out that for some reason the second stick (and the second turbo and fire buttons) is mapped to the second controller port, and the twin sticks are mapped to the digital instead of analog. Here is my config for the first stick: VON01 And here is my config for the second stick - but on the player 2 side: Von02 Also why the fire and turbo buttons mapped to the first and second buttons, though. In the physical arcade game they are both in the same control board (as with other Virtual-On Twin Stick controllers). The config has support for the first and second analog stick (as for driving games), but can the twin stick levers be on the analog control? I've played other Virtual-On games before but I am not happy that the emulation of the NAOMI one uses Dreamcast control.