p1ut0nium-git / Rough-Mobs-Revamped

Rough Mobs Revamped for Minecraft
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[Suggestion]Mob target forcing (reverse target blocker) #15

Closed SandwichHorror closed 4 years ago

SandwichHorror commented 4 years ago

Already posted in comments which you replied to, I'll put it here so hopefully others wouldn't suggest the same thing again, and you can update on the progress if you decide not to do it or eventually work on implementing it.

I'd love a "reverse target blocker": an "target addition" or "Target forcer" such that a certain entity ALWAYS targets another entity. Let's say you always wanted zombies to attack pigs, or blazes to attack wither skeletons. example:

# targetForcing
# Entities which target other entities.
# e.g. Skeletons target Wolves
# Takes 2 arguments divided by a semicolon per entry. attacker;victim
# attacker: the attacker entity which targets the victim (entity name)
# victim: The entity which should be targeted by the attacker (entity name)
targetForcing {
    # Set to true to enable the target forcing feature [default: false]
p1ut0nium-git commented 4 years ago

Added in version 2.3.9