p1ut0nium-git / Rough-Mobs-Revamped

Rough Mobs Revamped for Minecraft
4 stars 8 forks source link

There is no bosses #53

Closed ColaLiao closed 3 years ago

ColaLiao commented 3 years ago

even i change the "zombie_BossChance=30", there still no zombie boss, and if change to "zombie_BossChance=1", there will no zombie spawn...


p1ut0nium-git commented 3 years ago

zombie_BossChance=30 means there is a 1 out of every 30 zombies will be a boss zombie_BossChance=1 means all zombies will be zombie bosses (1 out of 1)

Try something like 5...this means 1 in 5 zombies will be a boss.