p1xel8ted / UltrawideFixes

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Sea of Stars: Transition messages do not appear #9

Closed ooichir0oo closed 6 months ago

ooichir0oo commented 8 months ago

After installing the mod some messages do not appear.

For example, right at the beginning of the game when we go to sleep at the campfire there is a transition screen where a message appears like "10 years ago in the village of cradlelunar" and in other loading screens the same thing happens.

Edit: I didn't mention it but the game is Sea of Stars

harrisonchew10 commented 8 months ago

I have the same issue unfortunately.

p1xel8ted commented 8 months ago

@ooichir0oo @harrisonchew10 Do either of you have a save game right before one of these transitions so I can test?

harrisonchew10 commented 8 months ago

@p1xel8ted Not sure if this is the right file for the save. Its the gamepass ver. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IocPYYLDeU2fYcTBamnzeQ4FxsYzBBqc?usp=share_link

ooichir0oo commented 8 months ago

I can get a save here but I noticed something else, on any loading screen a loading symbol would appear in the bottom right corner of two dolls running, this never appears.

Another thing I discovered, I finished the game now and at the end there will come a moment when the game asks you to save the game during the loading screen, the save screen even appeared but it appeared crooked, it was completely to the left, so that I could see a piece of that screen.

I think the problem above is the same as the loading screen, I think the problem is that this screen is not centered.

p1xel8ted commented 8 months ago

@harrisonchew10 @ooichir0oo What resolution are you both playing in?

harrisonchew10 commented 8 months ago

@p1xel8ted 3440x1440 using 0.191 ver of the mod

ooichir0oo commented 8 months ago

3440 x 1440.

Follow the MelonLoader logs:

[NewEntryPoint] Passing ptr to LoadAssemblyAndGetFuncPtr back to host... [NewEntryPoint] Configuring imports... [NewEntryPoint] Initializing. In default load context: True [14:17:44.831] ------------------------------ [14:17:44.832] MelonLoader v0.6.1 Open-Beta [14:17:44.833] OS: Windows 11 [14:17:44.834] Hash Code: 696B58144EEC73C72FA36A811CA73312EEE4EC28AD5E3527BDA1E14F388A [14:17:44.834] ------------------------------ [14:17:44.834] Game Type: Il2cpp [14:17:44.834] Game Arch: x64 [14:17:44.834] ------------------------------ [14:17:44.834] Core::BasePath = E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Stars [14:17:44.835] Game::BasePath = E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Stars [14:17:44.835] Game::DataPath = E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Stars\SeaOfStars_Data [14:17:44.835] Game::ApplicationPath = E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Stars\SeaOfStars.exe [14:17:44.835] Runtime Type: net6 [14:17:45.353] ------------------------------ [14:17:45.354] Game Name: Sea of Stars [14:17:45.354] Game Developer: Sabotage Studio [14:17:45.355] Unity Version: 2021.3.25f1 [14:17:45.355] Game Version: UNKNOWN [14:17:45.356] ------------------------------

[14:17:48.805] Preferences Loaded!

[14:17:48.844] Loading Plugins from 'E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Stars\Plugins'... [14:17:48.848] 0 Plugins loaded. [NewEntryPoint] PreStarting. [14:17:49.380] [MelonStartScreen] Initializing... [14:17:49.403] [MelonStartScreen] Using Start Screen Theme: "Default" [14:17:49.566] [MelonStartScreen] Failed to find the signature for field m_D3D12WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestamp in module. Signature: 48 89 5c 24 08 57 48 81 ec 90 00 00 00 0f 29 b4 24 80 00 00 00 48 8b d9 [14:17:49.637] Loading Il2CppAssemblyGenerator... [14:17:49.644] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Contacting RemoteAPI... [14:17:51.101] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Game Not Found on RemoteAPI Host (https://api.melonloader.com/api/v1/game/sea-of-stars) [14:17:51.101] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.DumperVersion = null [14:17:51.102] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.ObfuscationRegex = null [14:17:51.102] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.MappingURL = null [14:17:51.102] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.MappingFileSHA512 = null [14:17:51.136] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Dumper Version: 2022.1.0-pre-release.10 [14:17:51.136] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Il2CppInterop Version = 1.4.5 [14:17:51.137] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Unity Dependencies Version = 2021.3.25 [14:17:51.137] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Deobfuscation Regex = null [14:17:51.138] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Cpp2IL is up to date. [14:17:51.138] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] UnityDependencies is up to date. [14:17:51.138] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Checking GameAssembly... [14:17:51.362] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Assembly is up to date. No Generation Needed. [NewEntryPoint] Starting.

[14:17:51.363] Loading Mods from 'E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Stars\Mods'... [14:17:51.365] ------------------------------ [14:17:51.375] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\SeaOfStars.dll' [14:17:51.375] SHA256 Hash: '41901616b145f922fd90b93665147440ff8dc5226793ea975f5c5ef067fbffbe'

[14:17:52.681] ------------------------------ [14:17:52.681] Sea of Stars Ultra-Wide v0.1.8 [14:17:52.681] by p1xel8ted [14:17:52.682] Assembly: SeaOfStars.dll [14:17:52.682] ------------------------------ [14:17:52.682] ------------------------------ [14:17:52.683] 1 Mod loaded.

[14:17:52.717] Console Cleaner Failed: System.Exception: Unable to Find Constructor of Type Il2CppSystem.IO.StreamWriter! at MelonLoader.Support.Main.ConsoleCleaner() in D:\a\MelonLoader\MelonLoader\Dependencies\SupportModules\Il2Cpp\Main.cs:line 88 [14:17:53.408] Class::Init signatures have been exhausted, using a substitute! [14:17:53.433] Registered mono type Il2CppInterop.Runtime.DelegateSupport+Il2CppToMonoDelegateReference in il2cpp domain [14:17:53.465] Registered mono type MelonLoader.Support.MonoEnumeratorWrapper in il2cpp domain [14:17:53.467] Registered mono type MelonLoader.Support.SM_Component in il2cpp domain [14:17:53.473] Support Module Loaded: E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Stars\MelonLoader\Dependencies\SupportModules\Il2Cpp.dll [14:17:54.637] [Sea_of_Stars_Ultra-Wide] Preferences Saved! Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 1244090 SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198082959624 [API loaded no]

Ost3rbaer commented 7 months ago

please find attached a save game short before multiple transitions that are not rendered with mod activated. They display fine in the unmodded version:


p1xel8ted commented 7 months ago

please find attached a save game short before multiple transitions that are not rendered with mod activated. They display fine in the unmodded version:



Try this one. You may have to delete steamapps\common\Sea of Stars\UserData\MelonPreferences.cfg