p2-inc / keycloak-orgs

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Unable to Configure SSO Using idp-wizard Extension #212

Closed andreiserheichuk closed 3 months ago

andreiserheichuk commented 3 months ago

Hello Team,

I am writing to seek assistance with configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) through the portal page using the idp-wizard extension in Keycloak.

I have deployed the quay.io/phasetwo/phasetwo-keycloak:23.0.3 image and followed the instructions provided in the documentation https://github.com/p2-inc/idp-wizard?tab=readme-ov-file. However, I am encountering difficulties as I am consistently receiving a "Page not found" error when attempting to redirect to the wizard resource.

Could you please provide further guidance or detailed instructions on how to configure SSO through the portal page using the idp-wizard extension? Additionally, if there are any specific troubleshooting steps I should take, I would greatly appreciate your advice.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and assistance.

Best regards

xgp commented 3 months ago

@andreiserheichuk The idp-wizard was closed source until our 24 version of Keycloak. You will have to use the latest version, or fork and build the idp-wizard yourself.