p2 / OAuth2

OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.
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Detached Signatures Error on macOS #331

Open donniefitz2 opened 4 years ago

donniefitz2 commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the error below after a successful OAuth login and token exchange. It seems to happen when the token is being written to the keychain. The token never gets persisted.

It seems like it could be related to code signing/permissions but I'm not sure. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm on macOS 10.15.1 and it's a pretty simple menu bar app.

[Debug] OAuth2: Did exchange code for access [true] and refresh [true] tokens
[Debug] OAuth2: Storing tokens to keychain
2019-11-05 15:48:09.781351-0700 bar for YNAB[13464:509270] [logging-persist] cannot open file at line 43353 of [378230ae7f]
2019-11-05 15:48:09.781437-0700 bar for YNAB[13464:509270] [logging-persist] os_unix.c:43353: (0) open(/var/db/DetachedSignatures) - Undefined error: 0
[Warn!] OAuth2: Failed to store tokens to keychain: Error Domain=swift.keychain.error Code=-25299 "(null)"