p3lim-wow / ExtraQuestButton

An extra button for quest items!
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Missing Quest: Never Forgotten #68

Closed raysmith59 closed 1 year ago

raysmith59 commented 1 year ago

Part of the Evoker starting questline, there's a quest item Toxin Antidote that doesn't show up in the frame.

raysmith59 commented 1 year ago

Never mind, it did show up briefly as I approached the quest area but once I entered the poison area the button moved to the Extra Abilities frame. A bit odd and I think I'd want the EQB frame to show the quest item while it's the actively tracked quest even outside of the immediate area. Closing since not really an enhancement, though.

p3lim commented 1 year ago

I'm considering adding it to the block list because it's one of those times where blizzard is doing what I'm trying to do with this addon, similar to the 3 items in WoD that got me started on this in the first place.