p3lim-wow / ExtraQuestButton

An extra button for quest items!
14 stars 1 forks source link

local result = C_Item.IsCurrentItem(itemInfo) #91

Closed Saaappi closed 4 months ago

Saaappi commented 4 months ago
245x Usage: local result = C_Item.IsCurrentItem(itemInfo)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `IsCurrentItem'
[string "@ExtraQuestButton/button.lua"]:133: in function `callback'
[string "@ExtraQuestButton/libs/Dashi/modules/event.lua"]:92: in function `TriggerEvent'
[string "@ExtraQuestButton/libs/Dashi/modules/event.lua"]:101: in function <ExtraQuestButton/libs/Dashi/modules/event.lua:100>

(*temporary) = "Usage: local result = C_Item.IsCurrentItem(itemInfo)"

The problem is with the ExtraQuestButton addon, but it's caused by something in the Dashi library.

p3lim commented 4 months ago

Dashi just handles the events.