p42ai / js-assistant

120+ refactorings and code-assists for Visual Studio Code
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Unsafe suggestions #61

Closed pdcmoreira closed 1 year ago

pdcmoreira commented 1 year ago

I've just installed this extension and the first suggestion I got raised a huge red flag for me, as it changes the output of the function instead of just the syntax.

The suggestion is the following:


But by applying that, changes the behavior of the function to null and '' (empty string) values!

// Original
const funcA = a => {
  a = a || 'Default'

  return a

// Suggested change
const funcB = (a = 'Default') => {
  return a

;[undefined, null, '', 'test'].forEach(p => console.log(funcA(p) === funcB(p))) // outputs: true, false, false, true

Is there a way to disable unsafe suggestions?

lgrammel commented 1 year ago

@pdcmoreira thanks for your feedback!

I'll add a configuration option to turn off unsafe suggestions in the diagnostics and the side panel.

lgrammel commented 1 year ago

I've just released v2.5.0 which contains a new configuration option to turn off unsafe suggestions:


Thanks again for the idea!