p4535992 / conditional-visibility

a FoundryVTT module to hide tokens from some players, but not from others
MIT License
5 stars 8 forks source link

[BUG][AUTOASSIGNED] Strange behaviour #48

Open p4535992 opened 2 years ago

p4535992 commented 2 years ago


Tagging owner; sorry I didn't do this to start. I might be late to the party here. Seen a few references to Conditional Visibility. Been reading the notes for CV and trying to apply per the instructions there, but having a few issues.

  1. Any token level settings I try applying through the overlay won't 'save' my settings. This won't allow me to set senses or conditions. For vision on the token using the 'token settings', it won't let me save anything under vision. I can 'cheat' the save button by switching to something like 'identity' and save it from there, which saves my VALUES, but I have a feeling it's just cosmetic and doesn't actually do anything.

  2. In the web console when I try applying settings, I get errors from CV that 'DFreds Convenient Effects' NOT has a effect with name ' (CV)', so we don't use that...' | I tried renaming the effect and seeing if I could apply it from the same process I listed above in step 1, but I get the same result.

Before I dive too much into fiddling with CV as a module, I wanted to check with the collective. The problem I'm trying to solve for is:

A player loves darkness. Casts it everywhere and anywhere. He has Devil Sight and wants to abuse darkness. Trying to set more easily triggerable senses for him so he can see when he puts everyone in darkness... and then they all move out of darkness. The mobility of the NPC's and other PC's is why this needs to be easily changeable. Any thoughts here?